Friday, February 12, 2021

Horus, 16th Legion "Luna Wolves/Sons of Horus"


Horus upon his return to Terra after seeing Draco

Horus came to see Draco on Armageddon a few months after Compliance. He was returning from the Eastern Fring to Terra, taking advantage of the newly found warp routes through the Armageddon sector.

As the oldest (or first found) Primarch Horus had always been busy attending to his many duties when and after Draco was recovered. Thus it was they hardly knew each other at all. A good relationship was founded and cemented when Draco helped Horus find his Eye.

It's a sad thing that a man so great can be so weak. But then again, if the Dark Four decide you are their vessel, can even a demi-god deny them? Horus's fate is set: he will rise and he will fall and be utterly obliterated, body, mind, and soul. The Black Legion will try to clone him and bring him back through sorcery but they will succeed only in calling demons.

Horus and Abaddon in wargear

Perturabo, 4th Legion "Iron Warriors"

Perturabo spoke but little in the presence of Alpharius and the lion but requested Draco attend him aboard his flagship, the Gloriana-class Iron Blood. He spoke of the things he had seen, of visions of a place (the Hadex Anomaly) that did not yet exist, and the nature of time. Of his own place in the Imperium - and where they all would fit once the Crusade Ended. Perturabo would rather it didn't. He'd rather make the journey to another galaxy to continue the war if ever the Galaxy of Man was fully pacified.

Perturabo showed Draco his great work - the Temporis Computatrum - a vast cogitator array that could be used to predict the future (but not, sadly, help a human interpret its findings). Draco helped Perturabo see the folly of his ways. No mere machine can accomplish what the psychic mind of a Primarch can.

Perturabo also shared his suspicions about the Rangdan: they were using time itself to escape their fate and return, stronger than before. Draco used this knowledge to fined the Rangdan Core World and stage a surprise attack that ended the war - in this time and all others.

Lion El'Jonson, 1st Legion "Dark Angels"

Draco met the Lion on the northeastern border of the Empire where he was preparing to fight the xenos Rangdan Pact. The First was rather more concerned with who would reap the most honor and glory, and rather less about preventing wasteful loss of Astartes lives. He nevertheless agreed to Draco's proposals - as long as he was in overall command.

In private, the Lion was far more forthcoming, talking of many things with his more recently rediscovered brother. Among other things, he talked about psychics and knowing the forbidden and the unknowable. So Draco showed him many things and the Keepers of the 11th walked among the Librarians of the 1st, teaching them much.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Rogal Dorn, 7th legion "Imperial Fists"

Draco met the great Rogal Dorn on Terra near the end of the 9th Century M30. The Fists' Primarch was tied up in the Sol system overseeing the fortification of the Imperial system. They spoke cordially but there was no particular report between the two brothers - neither animosity nor love of any sort.

Dorn was honest and polite to a fault even when subjected to brother Alpharius's subtle jokes. The part Draco did find a bit annoying. If he were Dron, he would never let the runt of the litter speak to him like that.

Alpharius Omegon, 20th Legion "Alpha Legion"

Draco brought Dorn along to meet Alpharius within the great Imperial city-fortress beneath the Himalazian Mountains. The Alpha Legion Primarch was posing as his twin Omegon, recently recovered, now studying at the Emperor's feet. He'd been given a task: to compile all Imperial knowledge about "the unknowable and the forbidden." Draco helped him see the folly of such a task. it was but one of the Emperor's many tests.

The Dragon and the Hyrda got along quite fabulous for two Primarchs who had only met once before - and briefly at that. Both were great warriors but also scholars. Noble beings forced into serving lesser beings. When Draco admitted to commandeering Omegon's new flagship Alpharius told him to think nothing of it.

Dorn and Alpharius did not go along so well. Alpharius clearly found Dron to have a magnomious ego and did his best to annoy him every chance he got. Dorn nobly refused to rise to the bait, which annoyed Alpharius no end.

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

The remaining Primarchs


What the remaining Primarchs are up to:

The Lion: Engaged in a brutal struggle with an advanced alien race known as the Rangdan far to Galactic North. The enemy was believed destroyed but it was only a fraction of the total strength that had been annihilated. The full might of the Dark Angels is being brought to bear.

Perturabo: Moving to support the Lion with half of his Legion. The rest of the Legion is busy elsewhere.

The Khan: The White Scars' primary task is rapid response. The Imperium has grown so large that it needs someone to safeguard its vast territories. A small elite continues to reconnoiter beyond the borders of the Imperium. The Khan is usually with them.

Rogal Dorn: Sol system. The Fists, however, are scattered across a score compliance fleets.

Vulkan: The entirety of the Salamanders is involved in a complex campaign against abhumans in the areas near the Galactic Core.

Horus: Always on the move. The Luna Wolves are split into 3-4 major detachments and several smaller ones. The big ones are conducting major campaigns without other Astartes support, but the smaller ones are usually integrated with other Legions' forces and can be found all over the Galaxy. Horus moves between Terra and his detachments as needed.

Magnus: Prospero with his Thousand Sons. What they're doing there is unknown. Reading. Scrying. Preparing for battle. Who knows.

Alpharius (and Omegon): One of them, Omegon the Late, is rumored to be on Terra. He's in the company of the Emperor, waiting to take command of a large contingent of newly created Alpha Legionnaires. Alpharius is elsewhere as if the rest of the Legion.


Ferrus Manus: Swift strikes. Segmentum Obscurus.

Lorgar: Fire and faith 😅 Segmentum Obscurus.

Russ: Segmentum Obscurus.

Sanguinius: Finding new purpose and recruiting from Baal. Segmentum Solar and Tempestus.

Angron: Angry. Segmentum Solar and Pacificus.

Mortarion: Pushing into Segmentum Pacificus.

Corvus Corax: Ghoul Stars.

Fulgrim: Segmentum Tempestus.

Guilliman: Expanding the Imperium's hold around Macragge.

Konrad Kruze: Ensuring loyalty throughout...

Gloriana-class Battleships


The Gloriana-class battleship was the largest warship* produced by the Imperium of Man during the Great Crusade. At least twenty were built to serve as flagships for the 20 Astartes Legions (more may have been built: the Alpha Legion was given two, and Lord Militant Segmentum Solar commanded another). Their names are legendary: Macragge's Honor, Nightfall, Endruance, and more. Most, but not all, were destroyed during the Horus Heresy and the Great Scourging that followed.

Each Gloriana was unique in appearance and capabilities, but all shared a common spaceframe and core systems. A Gloriana was more powerful than any other battleship produced, capable of engaging an entire enemy battle-line. It carried vast amounts of fighter craft, landers, drop pods, and boarding torpedoes. It could carry an entire Astartes Chapter with all assets battle-ready.

* Three Abyss-class vessels (of which Verbum is one) were secretly built for Lorgar. These were even bigger but were never officially commissioned by the Imperium. They were also visually rather distinct from the Imperium's warships, almost to the point where you'd think xenos thinking had factored into their design. Whether or not they were more powerful - or merely larger - than the Glorianas is a matter of debate.

The Jupiter Project aimed at building a ship far larger than anything seen before. It was a vessel that dwarfed even the Gloriana and Abyss classes. The prototype was abandoned in an advanced state of construction. It was later [REDACTED]. No trace of the ship was ever found. Assumed to have suffered catastrophic warp drive failure. 

Konrad Kruze, 8th Legion "Night Lords"

After Robute Draco went after Konrad. There was only one window of opportunity in the pattern and it was brief and fleeting. The Night Lords were on the war-path, out to punish a trio of worlds that had sworn allegiance to Terra decades before - and then "forgotten" all about it.

Draco caught Konrad with his shields down and teleported en masse aboard his flagship. This caused no small amount of consternation. But perversely made Konrad far more likely to actually talk to his brother. if approached openly it's likely he would have said very little and been about his business.

Dragon Legion and Night Lords ended up spending months together, slaughtering the inhabitants for the three wayward worlds in a sickening display of calculated cruelty. Only one in ten of the inhabitants were left alive. They were tasked with rebuilding their worlds within two generations. Then the assessors would come and the tithe would flow once more. Failing that, everyone would be put to the sword.

Draco and Konrad have cordial relations and their Legions respect each other. There was no mention of Kymeria. Konrad would not care anyway.

Robute Guilliman, 13th Legion "Ultramarines"

Shortly after being visited by Fulgrim, Draco received a psy-locked adamantium case from his brother Robute. Carried across 20.000 lightyears by a Color Sergeant of the Ultramarines. "We must talk," was the message inside the box. 

Having no particular reason to hurry - the letter was rather vague - Draco proceeded with the planned campaign. Planning, superior forces - and a dash of psychics - carried the day. After the enemy had been broken, Draco left for Segmentum Tempestus, leaving his subordinates to complete the compliance of the 30 or so worlds on the target list. Another laurel for the 11th (and a small one for the 2nd).

After a lengthy trip aboard the Manu ad Bellum, the Primarch of the 11th arrived at Angelus Furore - the Furious Angel - a battle station of cyclopean dimensions. A prototype Segmentum Fortress designed by Rogal Dorn the Angel would be "impregnable." Not even Perturabo could find a way to penetrate its defenses. It would also take half a hundred years to build and the resources needed to outfit a hundred reclamation fleets.

Constant delays were caused by the enormity of the project and lack of resources, but every year saw it come closer to completion. When the Ullanor orks embarked on their gargantuan Waaagh! in the waning years of M30 the station was almost finished. But orks are nothing if not persistent and cunning. Somehow they found a flaw in the station's incomplete defenses. Heedless of their own losses, they pushed forward and slaughtered the defenders. Afterward, they broke up the station and forged it into a thousand kill-kroozers and a hundred orky battleships - a fleet mighty enough to require Horus and several Legions of Astartes to stop.

Draco and Robute had never been exactly close. Guilliman was discovered relatively early by far-ranging exploratory and by the time of Draco's discovery he was already deep in the Emperor's counsel and one of the architects of the Great Crusade. They met occasionally when the Ultramarines Primarch returned to Terra but that happened but rarely.

Robute sent his message after learning that the 11th had been denied additional Astartes by Luna. This confirmed his suspicions: that Luna had sent 11th Legion stock to the 13th as they had the 2nd. Draco told him to keep the stock - it was not his to claim. Even the Primarchs were but servants, and if this was the will of the Emperor, so be it. Robute claimed to be deeply honored. To mingle blood with the 11th would make his Legion stronger and more numerous than any other.

The Ultramarines, the 13th Legion, from which so many Chapters are descended (possibly as many as half) contains gene materials from both (pre-Kymeria) 2nd legion and the 11th. This could perhaps explain to some degree the Ultramarines' reputation as stalwart, determined, and highly resistant to the corrupting forces of Chaos. Maybe they also became stronger in the body than they were when the 11th Legion bested them in martial games.

It also means that to some degree Draco is the gene-father of a great many Ultramarines and their successor chapters. he should have some sort of bond with them. How many of the "Lost Sons" are out there is unknown. Could be only a few, could be many. Could be entire Chapters, could be only scattered individuals. It could also be all or most of them. It's been 10.000 years and very many generations have passed. The seeds sown could have spread far indeed.

Monday, February 1, 2021

Fulgrim, 3rd Legion "Emperor's Children"


Draco was approached by his brother Fulgrim while preparing for Compliance M30.888 A0131Z near the Pacificus/Tempestus border. Fulgrim was talkative and forthcoming. Draco less so - though he played the welcoming host to perfection.

Fulgrim is a tragic figure. Devoted to perfection within and without he's deeply flawed and weak. The proof is in his gene-seed, which is less hardy than those of other Legions making the Emperor's Children utterly dependent on Luna. 

Despite the hidden flaws in their genes, the Astartes of the 3rd Legion are fine warriors indeed. True exemplars of the Imperium. Such is their love for their Primarch that they dive themselves harder than any other Legion. It is a shame that their gene-sire is what's holding them back from true greatness.