Tuesday, June 16, 2020
Events 260.M42
Events 259.M42

Events 258.M42

The Rak’Gol are a race of vicious xenos marauders that are a relatively new threat to the Imperium. This first recorded encounters took place around 700.M41 within the Koronus Expanse, a region of wild space bordering the Halo Stars beyond the Calixis Sector. The Ordo Xenos theorized that they originated from somewhere in or beyond the Alenic Depths, but their homeworld was never conclusively identified. By 200.M42, the Rak-Gol has spread to other remote parts of the galaxy by means unknown. It’s almost like they are slowly moving through the Halo Stars, unnoticed by the universe at large until they choose to strike, but this is, of course, impossible—the ancient halo stars are known to be virtually impossible to navigate, and travel times are exceedingly long.
technology is relatively primitive by Imperial standards. The Adeptus
Mechanicus won’t touch any of it, except upon request from the Inquisition,
considering it both inferior and irredeemably corrupt. The Rak’Gol favor simplicity
and brutal efficiency in all their weapons and other wargear. Nowhere is this
more apparent than in their ship design. Vessels are constructed around a cylindrical
core, balanced upon a crude—but powerful—fission-pulse drive.
Asymmetric extensions run fore and aft, with fins and pylons extending irregularly
from the hull, areas of reinforced armor plating, and a veritable forest of
defensive turrets. The vessels are extensively decorated with layer upon layer
of crude warding symbols.
Rak’Gol may have only recently discovered warp travel, possibly by scavenging warp
drives from other races. All warp-drives that have been recovered from Rak’Gol are
far more advanced than the race’s remaining tech, using strange crystalline
technologies unknown to the Imperium, and show signs of being recent additions
to old ships. Nothing resembling a Gellar field has been identified; it’s
believed the Rak’Gol rely on their Techo-Shamans, talismans, charms, and
symbols built into the hulls of their vessels to protect them from the Warp.
of ships that have fallen prey to the Rak’Gol are remarkably consistent: they
are stripped down to their cores. Any salvageable equipment is missing. Reports
indicate that some Rak’Gol boarders take prisoners. Why they would do this is unclear,
as human prisoners would quickly perish from the harsh radiation emitted by the
fission engines.
Rak’Gol seem to exist only for slaughter, descending on voidships and isolated
colonies like a plague, and disappearing again into the cold depths of the
void. The underlying impetus for the Rak’Gol’s attacks remains a mystery, for those
who suffer their predations rarely live to tell the tale.
rasping, screeching language remains incomprehensible, and no successful
communication between the Rak’Gol and humanity has been recorded. No Rak’Gol
has ever been captured alive by the Imperium. Indeed, even their name is taken from
children’s stories of mythical monsters from the settlement of Footfall’s slums.
Rak’Gol are primarily known through the ships crippled by the Navy or Rogue
Traders. Several such wrecks have been investigated by naval analysts and the
Ordo Xenos. Other tales come from survivors of planetary raids, or ship crew
that has somehow survived attacks by the Rak’Gol and lived. The Imperium also
located and eliminated a series of Rak’Gol outposts in the Koronus Expanse. The
foul xenos were found to inhabit both planetary surfaces and orbital
Several castes of Rak’Gol have been identified, based
on their physical appearance and their function with a pack of raiders. The
Ordo Xenos suspects that caste may be tied to the Rak’Gol lifecycle, which in
turn is linked to battle prowess, but no conclusions can be drawn from such a
small sample.
Carvers: These Rak’Gol are slightly
smaller than their compatriots, though they still tower over humans. Built for
speed over raw power and armed with savage melee weapons and crude automatics,
they are seen spearheading large assaults. Carvers are at best lightly
augmented—they’ve yet to prove themselves. Carvers are primarily found aboard
the largest Rak’Gol vessels, sometimes on cruisers, but never on escorts.
Marauders: Marauders are the most
common Rak’Gol encountered. Marauders are always augmented with cybernetics. Each
warrior has its own unique combination of equipment and weapons, though most
favor a combination of melee and automatic projectile weapons. In battle, try to
overwhelm their opponents with speed and ferocity, but can adapt to and
overcome any form of armed resistance. Marauders represent a real threat to
Astartes, especially in melee.
Renders: Carvers are almost a breed
apart from other Rak’Gol, thirty to forty-five percent larger than their lesser
kin. Even more heavily augmented than other Rak’Gol, each Render is a nigh-unstoppable
killing machine. In theory, a Render should be a match for a Space Marine in
Tactical Dreadnaught Armor. They carry no weapons or use any equipment, save
those integrated into their bodies: vicious blades, crackling with bio-energy, quick-firing
auto-cannons, and radiation beams, capable of scambling technological equipment
and killing bioforms both.
Clutchmasters: Clutchmasters
are the lieutenants of a Rak’Gol force and take directions from the
Broodmasters above them. They are often the captains of smaller (escorts) Rak’Gol
vessels. Clutchmasters are veterans of many raids, and thus will be extensively
modified with cybernetics. Many Clutchmasters also wield strange alien weapons
seized from the hands of dead enemies. Unlike the troops under their command,
Clutchmasters only enter melee as a last resort. But when they do, there a few
that can stand against them.
Abominations: Abominations
are the leader-caste of the Rak’Gol and the least encountered. Each Abomination
is heavily modified with cybernetics, even more so than the Broodmasters.
Abominations also appear to be a sort of spiritual leader to the Rak’Gol,
planning their raids across the galaxy.
Techno-Shamans: Resembling other Rak’Gol, Techno-Shamans are nevertheless very different creatures. Each Techno-Shaman is a kind of primitive tech-priest, versed in the corrupt machine mysteries of their race, but also a potent psyker. This may sound like a strange combination until you take into account the fact that it’s the shamans and their runes that keep the predators of the Warp at bay, while also making sure that the strange crystal Warp-engines keep working.
Rules for using Rak'Gol in BFG (because I'm a geek).
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Events 256.M42

Inquisitor Hybris and the Dark Pattern

Wednesday, June 3, 2020
Manu ad Bellum