Monday, January 27, 2020

The Tale of Kobald the Godless

Do you remember the Tale of Kobald the Godless?

Of course you don't. No one remembers him. Even the Gods have put him out of their minds.

Long ago, Kobal was servant and champion to all the Gods, the High Masters and the Low Ones, the Four Greater and All the Lesser.

Until one day he decided he would no longer follow anyone, but be his own lord and master of all. So he turned his back to the Gods, who had for aeons lent him their strength and offered him protection.

The Gods were not pleased.

They could have destroyed him with but a snap of their allmighty fingers, but they did not. Ever benevolent and all-powerful, they sent their envoys to treat with him instead.

But Kobald would not receive any visitors, not even those on the Gods' business.

So the Gods had no choice but to punish the Godless, so that he would take notice. Depravity, mutation, bloodshed, and disease, and much more they sent onto Kobald's flock.

But he would not relent.

So the Gods were forced to sterner measures. All Kobald's followers died, all his works turned to dust. Others rose up in his place, and he was forgotten.

Finally, he received the envoys - there were none left to bar their way. Each pleaded with him, offering him priceless gifts.

First came the Banshee, the Envoy of Tzeentch, but he would not listen to reason. He had no use for magic, or prophetic power, or anything else the bird-god had to offer.

Ellia Gut-ripper was next, carrying the word of the Skull Throne, but the offer of bloodshed without end could not convince Kobald. What use had he for blood or brass, or anything else offered by a god without a real face?

Grimm the Smiling, Herald of Slaanesh brought pleasure and pain in equal, bountiful measure, but the Godless just sat there, unmoved. These were ephemeral things, old things, worn out, useless. Not gifts, but curses. Besides, he had no use for a God who couldn't even decide to be man or woman.

Last was Surglub the Everliving, the humble Voice of Nurgle. But Kobald had fallen asleep, and no amount of shouting could wake him. Surglub had to return back to his master, his task unfished.

Finally, the Gods shrugged and left Kobald alone.

In the end the Godless died alone and powerless, a withered old man, while his peers ascended to Daemonhood.

The End.

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