Monday, March 16, 2020

Aurum (Feral World, Orpheus Salient)


The remote world of Aurum was rediscovered by Battlegroup Icharos as it advanced deeper into the Orpheus Salien. The planet is pleasant and bountiful, but its feral human tribes must constantly fend off attacks back feral ork tribes that have plagued the place since M37. Contact with the planet was sporadic at best. It is not known if Hive Fleet Dagon consumed the planet or passed it over.

WHen Barotta arrived, he was immediately fascinated by the planet's "glow" and investigated it, uncovering many secrets about the planet's past and crystal deposits. He also became intrigued by Aurum's human tribes, proud, warlike, and pure.

It is now the site of a Fortress-Monastery of the Sons of Xandor (an old Imperial base near the Caele's mountain-side city (High King/Governor), and protected by a massive Ramiles Star Fort. Aurum has become the only source of SoX acolytes. Young warriors who have proven their worth against the works may be tested, and if found worthy, carried to the stars to become Astartes.

Mataras/The Blood Trinity (Unclassified Worlds, Acheros Salient)

Exoplanet | Alien worlds, Apocalyptic, Sci fi concept art


During the bygone days of the Jericho Sector, this system was known as the Mataras Sisters and was regarded as a jewel of the Imperium. At one time, this system supported four verdant and paradise-like worlds that served as a breadbasket for the planets of the Jericho Sector's core. Since the system is no longer part of the Imperium, it has been reclassified as Unclassified.

The Age of Shadows heralded a slow descent into blasphemy as the abandoned human populations soon embraced barbarity and the false promises of the Chaos Gods. The low point came in 920.M37 when the Deathwatch subjected Mataras IV subjected to the final sanction of Exterminatus. 

The three surviving worlds of Mataras became known as the Blood Trinity, which thrived on internecine conflict and unceasing violence. The Blood Trinity is one of the holdfasts of the Stigmartus, but they fight a never-ending war against their own people to control the. The skulls pile up, and the land is choked with blood.

It is thought that perhaps the rot that took Karlack may have originated here, but exactly how it got into the holdfast of Crusade Command and was allowed to spread isn't understood.

Khazant (War World, Acheros Salient)

072559786-planet-water-pluto-science-fiction-sci-fi-exoplanet ...


Located close to the temporal anomaly surrounding Vanity, the former Imperial world of Khazant became a renowned corsair stronghold, its oppressed population enslaved to one warlord or another prior to the outset of the Achilus Crusade. 

The Imperial forces marked the world for compliance, anticipating a quick and easy victory. It was not to be. Faced massive organized resistance, the planet became a heavily contested War World, with control of it swinging back and forth multiple times.

Naval analysts working from the Octagon believe that the increasing number of Stigmartus raiders plaguing the Jericho Sector may originate from Khazant. It's is not possible to verify this claim, as the Khazant system is currently unreachable by ship - without resorting to vile sorcery that is. It is as if some malevolent intelligence turns away all vessels who do not make sacrifices in its name.

Freya (Devoured/Mining World, Orpheus Salient)

ArtStation - Sci Fi Rocky Planet, Adrien Courouble


Freya was once an Imperial Mining World, rich in raw materials, that fed the lost Forge Worlds within the Reach. During the long millennia of the Age of Shadow, the world fell into anarchy as the entire planet became a battleground for gangs, techno-barbarians, cultists, and mutants. The remaining Imperial presence was a lone orbiting sensor array circling one of Freya's moons that served the Deathwatch in its secret vigil. 

The Crusade took little interest in the world, other than establishing a small garrison in preparation for cleansing the world should additional raw materials be needed. But soon tragedy befell Freya, as the Tyranids overran it. If the world can be purified, it can fill the role of mined-out Hethgard, as a prime mineral supplier for the Orpheus region.

The Jericho Sector forces have reclaimed Freya, and erected great seals over its deep mines. Protected by the rock, thousands upon thousands toil to bring forth the riches of Freya from the warm darkness. Much of its mineral wealth is lifted into orbit and transported by Mass Conveyor along the long road to Argoth.

Vanir (Hive/Devoured World, Orpheus Salient)


Vanir of the Spired Cities is a star system of inhabited worlds that was the site of a frantic battle between the forces of the Achilus Crusade and rebels loyal to the self-proclaimed Monarchs of the Kingdom of Vanir (this was an interstellar kingdom comprising several systems).

Before achieving victory, Battlegroup Icarus became embroiled in a battle with the advancing Tyranids of Hive Fleet Dagon, taking massive casualties in the process. The final reports had the remnants of the Battlegroup enter an uneasy alliance with the rebel forces in a vain effort to stem the alien tide. Lord Admiral Manteuffel and all his command was declared Excommunicate Traitoris after this treasonous act.

Barotta investigated the system and found it barren and desolate, it's biomass consumed by the Nids, and its proud cities brought low first by Imperial-Rebel conflict, and then by Xenos invasion.

Sutter not the witch. Suffer not the alien. Suffer not the traitor!

Castobel (Hive World, Orhpeus Salient)

Untitled by Alexandr Melentiev


Castobel is a Hive World still ruled by a noble-born elite that remained loyal to the Imperium's ways through the long Age of Shadow. Not long after its rediscovery by the Achilus Crusade, Castobel faced the deadly threat from the encroaching Tyranid fleet of Hive Dagon. The final reports from before the battle of Hethgard indicated a full-scale Tyranid invasion, but the defenders holding firm inside their hives after torching the majority of their planet's biomass to prevent it from falling into Xenos' tentacles.

Castobel is bruised and battered, with more than 90% of its biomass destroyed by humans to deny it to the Nids. Only three hives survived until the coming of Barotta; one was targeted by Exterminatus, the second infested by Stealers, but the third proved true to the Empire.

Beastmaster Taurus, last of the Black Ravens, did much to ensure the continued survival of the Stealer-infested hive. The Inquisition maintains a close watch, but thus far there has been no sign of a stealer resurgence.

Creating a Space Marine Chapter


Mustering a Space Marine chapter normally requires the following:

  • A level 9 system (or a lvl 8 at +50% cost or lvl at +100% cost).
  • 100 MT (can be split over several payments).
Control of Erioch allows the creation of 1 Chapter at half cost (for this purpose count Erioch as a lvl 9 system).

The following is also required, but more of a role-playing requirement:
  • Access to a full template set for Astartes equipment
  • Access to sufficient gene-seed for the creation of at least 1000 Astartes
  • Access to special facilities the allow the cultivation and deployment of gene-seed
  • Access to instructors, learning machines, and training facilities
Erioch has the necessary facilities and gene-seed, but not all the templates (but there is sufficient equipment at hand). By training first a batch of 100, then the full thousand, there will be sufficient instructors and NCOs after a double cycle.

Creating a Space Marine usually takes at least 4 years (12 rounds), and often as long as 5-6. At least a year, frequently longer, is spent as Space Marine Scout.

It is technically possible to create Marines in as little as a year, but the quality will be worse, and many will die or mutate as their bodies cannot handle the stress of the accelerated transformation.


Gene-seed mature inside the fully developed Astartes. After about 5 years, the neck gland has matured and can be removed (routine surgery), after 10 years the chest gland is mature and can be operated out (a little more complicated, but nothing dangerous). 

Taking out the glands before they are mature risk ruining them completely. At best a few organs can be harvested from them. Fully mature glands can become the source of sufficient organs for several new recruits. On average about 2 organs per gland (for 4 per marine). Special cloning techniques can increase the yield, but risk weakening the final product. Given the loss rate of neophytes (trainees) and scouts, about half of those implanted survive to become marines. So each dead marine can give life to 2 new marines (barring description of the glands).

Leaving the glands in longer has no added benefit - on paper. But all Astartes legends indicate that the glands absorb some of the greatness of the Marine that carries them. Thus, glands are rarely removed before the death of the Marine. The only time this is done is when a chapter is greatly weakened and must be quickly brought up to strength, and even then it's done reluctantly.

GM Note: It's not widely known that the Prophet created his legions using the accelerated growth and cloning processes. If it was known, "purebred" Legionaries (like the Sons) would probably look down on those Marines as second-rate. Well the Sons already look down on everyone else, since they are the "True Sons," but if they knew about the processes used, they'd think even less of the Prophets other legionnaires :D

Game effects: An Astartes PC (or key NPC), raised from "true stock," gains a +1 bonus to any characteristic, and starts with a number of bonus XP as determined by the GM. The greater the legacy, the greater the boost. The good quality of the transformation process could also provide additional bonuses, at the GM's discretion.