Monday, March 16, 2020

Castobel (Hive World, Orhpeus Salient)

Untitled by Alexandr Melentiev


Castobel is a Hive World still ruled by a noble-born elite that remained loyal to the Imperium's ways through the long Age of Shadow. Not long after its rediscovery by the Achilus Crusade, Castobel faced the deadly threat from the encroaching Tyranid fleet of Hive Dagon. The final reports from before the battle of Hethgard indicated a full-scale Tyranid invasion, but the defenders holding firm inside their hives after torching the majority of their planet's biomass to prevent it from falling into Xenos' tentacles.

Castobel is bruised and battered, with more than 90% of its biomass destroyed by humans to deny it to the Nids. Only three hives survived until the coming of Barotta; one was targeted by Exterminatus, the second infested by Stealers, but the third proved true to the Empire.

Beastmaster Taurus, last of the Black Ravens, did much to ensure the continued survival of the Stealer-infested hive. The Inquisition maintains a close watch, but thus far there has been no sign of a stealer resurgence.

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