Wednesday, September 25, 2019


Vaxanide is a minor hive world in the Malfian subsector of the former Calixis sector. It's infamous for the squalid conditions inside its hive cities, the poor quality of its Guard Regiments, and general lack of piety in the population (despite countless Ministorum attempts to improve faith). Situated at the edge of sector territory, Vaxanide has always been economically marginalized, despite decent mineral output and considerable potential for the export of proteins.

The total registered population was around 3 billion prior to the Coming of the Dark Prophet, but the destruction of the sector has forced many refugees to flee here. The actual population is unknown, but the local Administratum notes that they are currently feeding at least 10 billion people. It's very fortunate that Vanxanide has quite a bit of excess production and agricultural capacity, or it would have been unable to feed the refugees.

The main hive complex is the Vaxanhive, a mighty tiered spire that houses around 750 million citizens. The capital hive is protected by a 400-meter high adamantium wall and powerful void shields. Lord-Governor Malus Vaxanide, scion of House Vaxanide, technically rules the planet, but real power lies with Malfian High Command, a military junta that's trying to create a pocket empire out of the Calixian hinterlands.

It's worth noting that Krawl, Champion of Terra, is said to reside inside the spire. A mighty warrior, he fought bravely during the Fall of Scintilla, bringing low scores of Chaos Champions. Clad in custom Mk VI Astartes PA (yes, he's that big), the Champion wields an ancient power sword and carries with him a mighty Banner of Terra. This artifact is said to have come from the Throne Room on Holy Terra. An army that hold the banner cannot be defeated - or so they say.

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