Saturday, October 19, 2019


Facrast is an Imperial world on the fringes of the Malfian sub, Calixis sector. It is one of the last major outposts of civilization before the great Margins Warp Storms that separate Calixis from the Koronus expanse.

Facrast is classified as a War World. Countless nation-states compete for power over the planet, often using military means. The Confederacy has long held a kind of hegemony, and have the approval of the Imperium in the form of a Governor. However, as they have repeatedly failed to pay the tithe, there is some doubt as to the legitimacy of the government. Were it not for the Fall of Scintilla, there is every reason to believe the Lucid Court would have intervened.

There are at present 3 major factions, scattered across the lands and seas of Facrast:

  • The "Loyalist" Confederacy, with 15 million soldiers and three ancient Sword-class frigates in orbit, are centrally located in a large, arid continent surrounding a bitter "inner sea". 
  • The "Traitorous" Federation, 10 million soldiers and a Chaos Cruiser in orbit, are located on the same major landmass as the Confederacy, but to the east. 
  • The "Deviant" Alliance, with 5 million soldiers and a Xenos cruiser in deep space, are more scattered, with holdings around the globe. The Alliance is rapidly growing in economic and military power.

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