Saturday, October 19, 2019

Malal - the Avenger

There is a name whispered quietly and with fear even by the most depraved, the most evil, and the least sane of the worshippers of Chaos. That name is Malal, the Renegade God of Chaos. In eons past Malal was cast out from the bosom of Chaos by the other Gods, or else abandoned them of his own volition, no one is sure which.

In any case, Malal's relationship to the other gods of Chaos is a strange one. All Chaos Gods pursue purposes that are wholly their own, yet only Malal occupies a position so antithetical to the success of his own unfathomable creed. To be a follower of Malal is to be a Chaos warrior bent upon shedding the blood of other Chaos creatures.

As such, Malal is both feared and hated by the other Chaos Gods. Malal's worshippers, too, are loathed by other servants of Chaos; they are outcasts beloved by neither the friends nor enemies of Chaos, dependent upon the least whim of their patron deity. Few men worship such a god; fewer still live long in his service. The bonds that tie master and servant ever drain upon the soul of the warrior, and it is a rare man or woman that can loosen the bonds of Malal once forged.

Malal isn't one of the Four Great Powers, but neither is he a minor God or a Daemon Prince. Instead, his power waxes and wanes in rythm with the influence of Chaos. If Chaos is in the ascendant, Malal will almost always rear his ugly head and try to tear down the great works of the Champions of Chaos. No wonder he is presently rumored to be at work in the Calixis sector.

In Calixis Malal is sometimes connected to the phenomenon known as the Tyrant Star. No one truly knows what it is, and perhaps its nature is to be unknowable. Appearing as a dark eclipse, the Tyrant Star brings ruin to all it touches. Malal is also somehow connected to the Horned Darkness, a particularly powerful Daemon Prince that lingers near the Calixis sector. Even more strangely, Malal is sometimes called 'the Horned God'.

The symbol of Malal is a skull, half white, half black. Sometimes it appears alone, other times superimposed over the Eight-pointed Star of Chaos. His sacred number is said to be 11, but only petty mortals would even consider assigning a number of a God of Chaos.

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