Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Threefold Curse

The Threefold Cruse is a recurring theme in many Chaos myth cycles. The Champion is presented with three choices, all of them in some way bad. To go forward in his quest (often for daemonhood), he must then pick one of these three evils - and suck up the consequences. More often than not the hero of these tales pick the wrong option and die horribly. Or refuse the challenge - and are cursed by the True Gods. More rarely, the champion succeeds at one task, only to find he has been tricked.

Barotta's Threefold curse, as penned:

The Fall of Solace
Onto a world where men live like ants,
Where the sorcerer Nereus prepares the Ritual of Ages.
Offer him your heart and your sword.
Thus the Way shall be opened and revealed onto thee.

The Rising of Facrast
Onto a war-torn world on the edge of nowhere,
Where enemies three await with weapons ultimate.
Offer up the world on the Horned One's altar.
Thus the Way shall be opened and revealed onto thee.

The Sacrifice of St. Annard's Peace
Onto a hidden world of toil and bondage,
Where the ancient dead slumber away the eons.
Offer the oppressors to the Avenger.
Thus the Way shall be opened and revealed onto thee.

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