Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Balphomael - the Horned Darkness

The Horned Darkness, sometimes called Balphomael, other times by different names, is a daemonic entity of immeasurable potency that has lurked in the shadows of the Calixis since long before the Angevin Crusade. It was ever the foe of the Ordo Herticus, who time and again would uncover a cult or coven, stomp it out, only to find two more had taken its place.

Balphomael is the quintessential dark prince, a power broker without peer, a liar and manipulator - and if needed, a ruthless killer. But first and foremost, the Horned Darkness craves worship and obeisance and sacrifice in the fashion of a God. In return, it grants its worshippers fell powers and unnatural long life.

Seemingly owing no direct fealty or allegiance to any other of its kind, the Horned Darkness is something greater than even the mightiest of daemon princes. Perhaps, as some members of the Ordo Calxisi believed, it is a minor Chaos God. Although, as its power is focused only in a relatively small area, it may be nearly as mighty as the Four within Calixis and surrounding areas.

Some claim that Balphomael's heavenly abode is the Screaming Vortex (it is but one of many myths regarding the 'true' nature of the Vortex). One day, soon, the Vortex will open, and the Horned Darkness will be unleashed upon the galaxy. His followers will be raised up to daemonhood, and together they will remake all of the Materium and Immaterium (sounds unlikely).

Since time immemorial, the Horned Darkness has attracted the ire of Malal, to the extent that Malal's champions (not that there are very many) will go out of their way to purge the followers of Balphomael. The reverse is not true: the Horned Darkness will hide or run, but it will not openly fight Malal.

For a time, the Prophet of Light was the enemy of the Horned Darkness, opposing it at every turn, and refusing to spread its gospel. After leaving Calixis, the Prophet seems to have put this enmity behind him, and Balphomael's brethren are allowed to set up their little shrines. According to some dark whispers, the Prophet has forced some sort of pact on Balphomael, and the Horned Darkness is bound to his will.

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