Monday, October 28, 2019

Phoenix Blades (legacy weapons)

The so-called Phoenix Blades are a collection of ancient Eldar power swords (legacy weapons) that have appeared in the hands of several champions in and around the Calyx Expanse (former Calixis Sector). 

They vary quite a bit in physical appearance. From slender longswords to heavy two-handed blades and everything in between. The blades have also been modified extensively over the millennia, obfuscating their true origins. For example, Barotta's blade appears to be an ancient Imperial power sword, not something made by filthy xenos. It's not the first time the Imperium has subverted the weapons of the enemy to their own use.

When activated, the blades appear like normal power weapons: crackling with matter-disruptive energy. But there is something hidden deep inside the dull grey metal of the swords: runes of power.

The runes are usually dormant, but can be made to appear by the wielder. All it takes is a little concentration and willpower. It's unknown what the runes do, if anything, because the blades are not psy-weapons, but power weapons.

The term "Phoenix Blades" was coined by the Inquisitor-Savants of Solace after seeing Krawl's runes light up for the first time. The first rune, the one closest to the wielder, is the "Phoneix" rune, which can symbolize a number of things, such as dawn, protection, and rebirth.

The known blades: Barotta's 'Astartes Power Sword', Krawl's 'Sword of the Imperial Champion', and the blade taken from the nameless Black Legion sorcerer on Vaxanide. Prince G'rahal also has one and Barotta suspects Chapter Master Moebius is also armed with one (but it's possible this weapon has another origin).

The savants tried their best, but the runes are very old, and they had limited time to reference their encyclopedic memories. Perhaps the Ever-changing library has more, now that you know what to look for?

Barotta's blade has seven runes of power, in order from hilt to point: Phoenix, Order (Banishment), Night (Death), Entrophy (Sundering), Hoarfrost, Thunderstorm, Mortality (the opposite rune of Divinity)

Krawl's blade has only six runes of power: he's lacking the Mortality rune, and the final two on his blade are Cleansing Fire and Dominion (Control), instead of Frost and Storm.

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