Friday, October 25, 2019

Prince Talazan G'rahal of the Dark Flock

G'rahal is the leader of the group of Eldar corsairs known as "the Dark Flock." There are some that claim he is Dark Eldar, exiled from Commorragh, while other sources say he was cast out from this or that Craftworld. One rumor claims he's an Eldar Harlequin (whatever that is) that got tired of laughing. Another rumor says he's got a pet dragon that he rides to war. It's probably wise not to pay these rumors too much heed.

Of late (after the Fall of Scintilla) the Dark Flock has been spotted several times in and around Calixis, including the Kornous Expanse, the Spinward Front, Ixaniad Sector, and the Screaming Vortex. They have attacked ships from every faction there is, raided settlements, and committed outright genocide. There are also reports of the Flock trading - and occasionally helping - the same peoples they have attacked. Are they pirates out looking for booty, or is there something more sinister going on?

At Vaxanide, the Flock possessed at least one cruiser-sized vessel (3rd or 3.5 rate), a handful of escorts (5th or 6th rates), and many smaller attack craft (unrated). How many ships they lost or what other assets they might have is unknown. It's worth noting that the Flock's fleet appeared to consist of ships from several xenos species.

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