Monday, October 28, 2019

The Banner of Terra

This war-banner originally belonged to the 17th Chapter "Bared Fangs" of the XVI Legion "Luna Wolves". It followed the Chapter to many great victories in the Great Crusade. Later, as a war-banner of the Sons of Horus, it saw more battles won, this time against the forces of the Imperium. The first and only time the banner has fallen was before the walls of the Imperial Palace of Terra, when the last members of the 17th were cut down by the Imperial Fists as they tried to exploit a breach.

After this, the banner languished in the God-Emperor's throne room for more than ten millennia, until someone who hadn't really studied history much shipped it to Calixis early M42 to arm the 'Imperial Champion' that had surfaced there. Or perhaps whoever sent it was a student of history, and willfully chose to ignore the banner's dark past to exploit its great power?

According to Krawl, corroborated by Barotta's own experience, men who see the banner will not break (exactly how far "see" extends is vague). Those who stand close (also vague) to the banner are also protected from psychics and other similar effects. In this anti-Chaos zone, daemons seem to suffer instability. Finally, if the banner is carried by a man of conviction (doesn't have to be a psyker), it can dispell magical effects already in place and banish daemons by touch. It's also said to be able to heal, but this isn't strictly true. It will break curses and magical effects, even the dreaded Nurgle's Rot, but it will not heal wounds or cure whatever damage a disease already has done.

How and why such a dark artifact can have such great power over Chaos is a mystery only the True Gods can answer.

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