Saturday, January 16, 2021

Draco & the Draconic Knights


The 11th Legion was initially entered into the scrolls as the "Granite Guards." After the rediscover of their Primarch, who was often called "Draco" on account of his peculiar eye mutation, they referred to themselves as "Knights of the Dragon" or "Draconic Knights." 

The name of the Legion was never officially changed, but it didn't take long for the name to stick (it's pretty catchy) and as the Great Crusade started gaining momentum, only the firstborn 1000 of the 11th retained the name as their Chapter name. Many other Legions did similar things, taking names more in line with their true natures than those given by Terran pencil-pushers.

Little is known about the 11th Primarch. Where he was found, if he had a given name, and so forth. Like all his brothers (and sister) he was a cunning warrior of great prowess, but it was his prophetic powers that set him apart. He wasn't a sorcerer like Magnus or a spirit-talker like Lorgar. He was perhaps closest in nature to Sanguinius, who was also mutated and possessed foresight.

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