Sunday, January 31, 2021

Mortarion, 14th Legion "Dusk Raider/Death Guard"


Draco found his brother Mortarion relentlessly pushing the border of the Imperium to the Galactic West, deep into what would one day be Segmentum Pacificus. When last it met it was at Mars, 20 years prior, as Mortarion took command of his flagship Endurance. Mortarion seemed well pleased to see his sibling and they talked at length about many things.

The Death Guard never rested, never relented. They did not conquer as much as destroy. The cost in engines of war was high, the death toll among the Astartes staggering. Yet despite the Death Guard's high casualty rate, the legion swelled with every passing year. For each Astartes hero fallen, two greater heroes would rise in his stead.

Mortarion professed to have no great love for their father, the Emperor, whom he felt had wronged him by denying his final victory over the High Overlord of Barbarus. He then went on to reveal that he had seen and heard things pertaining to the things the Emperor had forbidden all talk of. And that he suspected the High Overlord might have been deep in the counsel of darker things.

Mortarion admitted to caring nothing for the Imperium they were helping to build. He and his sons were bringers of death, not conquerors or protectors. He went as far as to promise his Legion would stand by the 11th if it came to that. That's paramount to high treason.

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