Tuesday, February 25, 2020

Ries & Peollor (Frontier Worlds, Acheros Salient)

Outer space red planets Earth artwork wallpaper | 2560x1600 ...


Ries (Frontier World): Ries was a frontier world lying just beyond the Charon Stars region surrounding the Hadex Anomaly. It was settled during the early days of the Crusade, reclaiming the ruins of older Imperial settlements, when Crusade Command still believed in a rapid victory at Vespasia. Ries was to be the first of a number of frontier/fortress worlds that would "contain the Anomaly withing a ring of unyielding flesh, faith, and steel."

An increasing number of Chaos reaver attacks, possibly associated with the Stigmartus, threatened to plunge the world into blessed oblivion. Barotta intervened, using a trio of mass conveyors supplied from ages past, to evacuate the bulk of the planet's population.

Ries' current status is unknown, but it is probably completely devastated by Chaos attacks, it's remaining population sacrificed to Dark Gods or taken back to the Charon stars as slaves (and then sacrificed).

Pellor (Frontier World): Deeper inside the fallen sector lies Pellor, the final of the "Iron Ring" worlds. When the Crusade began to falter, the world is basically left to fend for itself, surrounded by enemies on all sides. Its PDF force was superbly trained and equipped, and highly motivated, but without support from the Imperium, it's only a matter of time before the planet falls.

Barotta was not able to do anything for Pellor, leaving it to its own devices. The distance was too great, and the forces at his disposal too small. Pellor surely must have fallen by now, its population slain or carried off as slaves. Such is the fate of those unable to protect themselves in an uncaring universe.

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