Monday, February 10, 2020

Watch-Fortress Erioch


Watch-Fortress Erioch is an ancient, pre-Heresy, star fort of immense power, in orbit around the sixth planet of the Erioch system. Although centrally located, reaching the Erioch system through the Warp is nearly impossible without accurate charts and specially-trained navigators. Furthermore, there are no planets of interest in the systems, only dead balls of rock, ice, and gas. A perfect location for a hidden base.

Erioch is the elusive HQ of the Deathwatch of the Reach, has been, since the Sons of Xandor wrested it away from the clutches of the heretical forces of the Night Lords Legion. Unknown to the galaxy at large, both system and fortress are named after 1st Captain Erioch of the Night Lords 9th Chapter, who built it and was its first commander. Why 

The station itself dwarfs even the mighty Ramiles-class star fortress - each of Erioch's quadrants are easily the size on one such lesser fort. And that's before you add the immense central citadel. They don't build on this scale anymore. Erioch is, despite its age, fully operational (though most of it lies dormant) and its automated defenses are a match for any battleship. It cavernous launch bays can hold - and repair - any escort-type vessel. Larger ships must dock along the flanks of the citadel.

When Barotta found Erioch, it accepted his identity as a Son of Xandor and Watch-Master of the Deathwatch. His coming had been foretold eons ago by another Son of Xandor Watch-master. The Omega Vault opened, and within they found a withered and wasted Son, slumbering in stasis. After spilling a half-lucid accounting of events, he killed himself with his athame, rejoining his Master (Moebius or the Prophet, who knows for sure?) across time and space.

A company of Astartes now guard Erioch, but otherwise, the great halls and endless corridors are silent and desolate. Hardly any Deathwatch call it home anymore, and the Watch-master is oft busy elsewhere.

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