Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Vanity/Corulsiem (Death/Hive/Special World, Acheros Salient)

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Formerly a prominent Hive World known as Corulsiem, Vanity was once the capital of the Cellebos sub, second in economic and military might only to Varrus itself.

The planet was brought to Compliance during the Great Crusade by the Night Lord's 15th Chapter, and used as a staging ground for that Legion's expeditions into the Outer Dark of the far eastern fringe of the galaxy. This was at least a decade before a task force led by the Ultramarines brought the rest of the Reach into the Imperium.

Corulsiem rebelled against Imperial rule during the Horus Heresy. It was retaken by a mixed force of Ultramarines and Raven Guards and subsequently garrisoned by a Chapter whose name and Legion origin has been lost to history (they are only referred to as the Chosen Sons and the Sons of the Emperor, both of which can refer to any Astartes).

The planet endured for a while after the fall of Varrus and the birth of the Hadex Anomaly. There are mentions of a Chapter of Astartes, possibly of the 13th Founding, using the world as their base. The name of this chapter is [EXPUNGED] from Imperium records, but Barotta has reason to believe they may have been Sons of Xandor (if so, they may have been present in the Reach at several points in time, during the Great Crusade/Horus Heresy and the Fall).

During the long millennia of the Jericho Reach's Age of Shadows, Corulsiem was riven with internal division and strife, which eventually devolved into a global atomic conflagration. This left the planet a barren, radioactive and haunted wasteland of shattered hive cities and fallen grandeur. Only mutants and worse dwell here now.

Of particular interest are the violent temporal vortexes that surround the world. Ships traveling here can find themselves transported, not through, space, but time, to an age when Corulsiem was a rich and prosperous port. It is believed that at least one Rogue Trade made a fortune trading with Corulsiem-from-the-past. Until the Inquisition got to him that is.

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