Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Scrolls of Eternal Truth - The Blades of Vaul

Another scroll found and translated:


Chaos is creation, the wellspring of life.
Chaos is entropy, the great destroyer.
Chaos is the eternal truth that defies explanation.


There are many liars and deceivers, but none of them worse than the Xenos. All Xenos are, by their very nature, devious and dishonest. Not even a warp-crazed seer can spew forth such gibberish as they do with every breath of their inferior bodies!

The proof is there for all to see. You only have to take a quick look at any Xenos species, and you'll know. Take the 'Slann,' for example. They are not really Slann at all. If they are even related, it is only tenuously, for the Slann of old were mighty beings, ageless and godlike. Today's Slann are toadlike witches, yet they try to bluff the galaxy into believing they are heirs to the legacy of the old Slann. Foul Xenos lies. Do they even believe these things themselves?

By I digress. The Slann of Old created many artifacts of great power. One of the Old Ones made many mighty blades, ninety-nine in number, which he then passed on to an equal number of mighty warriors. Each was as powerful - or more powerful - than an ax of Khorne. Such was Vaul's skill at warp-craft and command of the forge.

Some of these blades eventually wound up in the hands of the degenerate Eldar. So impressed with these blades were the Eldar, that they promptly made Vaul part of their pantheon of 'gods,' naming his the Great Smith. One day a glorified lizard playing with fire and steel, next day a God. What irony.

So it is written, with the True Powers as my witnesses.

- Akram the All-seeing, High Sorcerer of Q'Sal

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