Tuesday, November 12, 2019

The Journal of the All-Seeing, Back Home

Another entry from the journal:


Day of the Bleeding Gut, Year 80.216, Q'Sal reckoning. 

I'm back in the Vortex, back in my Q'Sal palace, my possessions restored to me. My house was in great disarray when I returned, but all has now be made good. 

It is quite unbearable really. The Eldar, the Prince of the Dark Flock, and his Xenos scum struck against the Imperial compound on Dusk before the Black Ship could take me to Terra - and certain doom. They cut down the Imperial defenders with contemptuous ease, but freed only a few prisoners, me included, before returning by way of magic to their own vessels.

Truly this Prince is blessed by the Gods - both his own Toady Gods and my True Gods. I saw with my own three eyes how he killed and killed, including a squad of five Deathwatch Astartes in single combat, when they sought to bar our way. No, calling it 'killing' doesn't do it justice. He danced the dance of death, laughing as he cut them down, one after the other. They could not touch him. Even today, as I write this, my heart cries out in joy, for never before or since have I seen such a sacrament of death by the blade.

We returned to the Vortex by way of hidden Eldar paths. Though I suspect that the Old Slann made the first web-ways, and the Eldar only expanded upon them. But the Prince of the Dark Flock is the master of them all. He comes and goes when and where he wills, even to the Vortex when the way is shut for all. Curse his black, Xenos heart!

To make matters worse he gave me a blade. One of the Swords of Vaul. I am now convinced he manipulated me into all this, just to force me to take the blade. How could I not, knowing it was forged by a God? A false Toad God, but still a God. Did I mention it's quite unbearable? Me, a High Sorcerer, Warp-seer without equal, researcher supreme, chosen of Tzeentch and Slaanesh both, outplayed by a Xenos. I should kill myself this instant. But the Eldar, curse his dark soul, know I cannot do this. I know what awaits on the other side. That is why we seek immortality, right? The Eldar, of course, is unaging, and need not worry about such things. The filthy scum. Why have the Gods blessed them so? It is not right!

And now I must study the toad blade and learn its secrets. I sense the Eldar's hand at play, and I am powerless to resist. Curse him!

By my hand,
Akram the All-seeing, High Sorcerer of Q'Sal

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