Thursday, November 7, 2019

The Journal of the All-Seeing, Field Trip to Fetid Dusk

The Journal of the All-Seeing, a handy little tome of daemon-hide that Barotta found in a dusty corner of the library. It's written in many different languages and using various ciphers, so translating it is difficult and time-consuming.


Day of The Shaper, Year 80.213, Q'Sal reckoning. 

I finally have time to write another entry. It's been a busy period.

My work has paid off!

I have found the Slann. On the world of Dusk, in Calyx, right on my doorstep. Or rather, I have found their degenerate descendants. Little 

It is a foul place, Dusk, inhabited not only by lizardfolk and troglodytes, but by feral humans, some of them ogryn stock. Quite hostile and eager to feast on the flesh of humans and lizard alike - and sorcerers of Q'Sal.

Endless swamps, marshlands, and water-steeped forests dominated the parts so the world I visited. Wildlife is moderately hostile and dangerous, but the place is a stinking hell-hole, and wasting diseases are as common as the rain. The warm rains... don't get me started on those. 

I swear, sometimes I think the Gods are playing me pranks, rather than helping me with my endeavors. Surely this is not the case, but I will sacrifice a thousand slaves extra to each of the Four. Just to be sure.

The only positive thing about Dusk: The entire world sits on a warp nexus, and was practically glowing with power. It almost made leaving Q'Sal worthwhile.

The Slann were surprisingly skilled at sorcery. And so were the primitive human tribes. I suspect they had picked up a thing or two from the xenos. Nothing to compare with the might of the sorcerers of Q'Sal, of course. We are, after all, blessed by Tzeentch. But still, they caused some problems.

I was able to learn some of what I came for, but not all. The 'Slann' were too primitive for that. But I did learn some by conjecture and some by studying the ruins of the Old Slann civilization.

I could have learned more, but the planet took its toll on my companions: fevers and disease, lizards and humans, beasts, and sorcery. And then along came the accused Prince of the Dark Flock, to end my life.

Tried to take my head off with his sword. How brutish. I had to abandon the rest of my party and beat a hasty retreat. But Slaanesh provides for his/her devoted servants: The blade the Eldar wields, it is not Eldar at all, but Slann. Old Slann. Inscribed by runes of power so powerful, they are almost worthy of my sorcerous respect.

I must study this sword. Perhaps there are more such blades out there. If not, I will take this on from the Prince's dead fingers, after offering his soul to the Great Devourer.

But first, I have to get back to Q'Sal. Too bad my ship disintegrated. The shipwright didn't see fit to tell me the enchantments would come undone so quickly outside the Vortex!

By my hand,
Akram the All-seeing, High Sorcerer of Q'Sal

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