Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Scrolls of Eternal Truth - The Enormous Lie That is Khaine

Barotta found another scroll, once again having to do with the Eldar. There is an interesting note at the bottom.


Chaos is creation, the wellspring of life.
Chaos is entropy, the great destroyer.
Chaos is the eternal truth that defies explanation.


One of the biggest self-deceptions told by the degenerate Eldar species, and they tell a great many such lies, are their delusional stories about 'their' God Khaine.

Khaine is, despite any Eldar claims to the contrary, none other than Bloody-handed Khorne, Lord of Skulls. Yes, they worship their own version of him, daring not look at his true face, but this is hardly unique. Many lesser races and unlearned civilizations do this. In the case of the Eldar, they couldn't even be bothered to change his name...

If the Eldar ever worshipped true Gods of their own, and I'm not saying they did, they abandoned them long before the fall, in favor of the true Powers of Chaos. 

So it is written, with the True Powers as my witnesses.

- Akram the All-seeing, High Sorcerer of Q'Sal


Scribbled at the bottom:

He's on to me now, the Prince of the Dark Flock. It's proof that my visions are true. They seek to silence me, but I will not be cowed!

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