Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Scrolls of Eternal Truth - The Lie About The Eldar Language

Barotta found another scroll. This time regarding the lies surrounding the Eldar language...


Chaos is creation, the wellspring of life.
Chaos is entropy, the great destroyer.
Chaos is the eternal truth that defies explanation.


The filthy Eldar would have you believe they are an advanced and well-learned race, but this is about as far from the truth as you can come, another lie created by these most loathsome of aliens.

Take their language, for example. The language in use today is a simplified version of the archaic language used by ancient Eldar. In short, the Eldar forgot what their own symbols meant, and invented a fantastic mythology of lies so that they might 'remember' their common heritage. The Eldar myth cycles are nothing but lies concocted by Eldar grammar teachers.

Even before the Fall, the Eldar couldn't cope with the endless little pictograms that made up their language, so they got rid of most of them, and created a much-simplified version. Like how the pitiful human race speaks 'low Gothic,' a language only vaguely related to pure High Gothic. So now they had a language, not much more advanced than what the rest of the galaxy speaks, and a 'rich cultural heritage' they no longer fully understood

But it gets worse... Eldar language, I might add, the Eldar didn't even invent themselves! The so-called 'Eldar language' is actually the language of the Slann, a forgotten and degenerate race of lizard-folk that can still be found on backwater planets in remote regions of the galaxy.

How low the mighty have fallen. Or maybe they were not so mighty to begin with?

So it is written, with the True Powers as my witnesses.

- Akram the All-seeing, High Sorcerer of Q'Sal

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