The Celebrants is a Chapter of an unknown M36 Founding and unknown lineage (possibly Fated Sons descendants, but nevertheless Loyal Sons). They are the Astartes Celebrantinum in High Gothic, literally Space Marines who perform the rites (of Battle).
The Chapter served with distinction for many years, until a failure to obey lawful orders directly resulted in the loss of the Crimson Consuls Chapter to an Alpha Legion plot. After becoming aware of the consequences of their disobedience, the Celebrants struggled vainly to be rid of this black mark on their name, going too far, too often. Eventually, only a single fleet-based company-sized group under Captain Agamemnon remained.
Had not Barotta reached out, it's likely the Celebrants would have ended at some point during the current century. The Celebrants are tenacious soldiers, with a special knack for fighting Tyranids.
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