Friday, May 1, 2020

Skaura III (Hive World)


Skaura III is a Hive World only in the loosest sense of the world. When the Achilus scouts arrived here, they found the remnants of a failed human world, with only a handful of techno-barbarian tribes. The world was a bleak place, heavily scarred by millennia of industrial exploitation, and almost without accessible mineral resources.

The world was brought to compliance around 100.M42, and settled by a few hundred million Scintillan refugees. Several hive structures were constructed as the nuclei of the new settlements, and some light industries and agriculture were in place when suddenly a minor warp storm engulfed the system, cutting it off from the rest of the Crusade.

The storm has raged for more than a century, showing little single of slowing down. Indeed, if anything it has grown in potency over the past few decades and threatens to engulf the penal world of Xyan.

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