Friday, May 1, 2020

Parino Secundus (Hive World)

3D model Planet Sci Fi | CGTrader


The world of Parino lies close to the Iron Collar in physical terms, but can only be reached by a convoluted trail that leads through the system of Khazant. It retained some semblance of civilization when the Achilus Crusade arrived, but after millennia of isolation and hardship it's peoples had forsaken the God-Emperor and taken to trusting "logic" and "progress". The population was wiped out and their heretical ways obliterated before the planet was heavily resettled by refugees from a number of Calixian worlds.

When the Stigmartus sent the forces of the Acheros Salient reeling, Parino became cut off from the rest of the Reach. When the Imperium finally returned after a decade of absence, they found the population already slipping into twin heresies: one group openly worshipped the Dark Gods, another had rekindled the lost faith in machines and "research". 

A third faction clung still to faith in the Emperor but it was deemed too difficult to separate the groups from one another. It was decided to call in Exterminatus and let the God-Emperor sort out his own. There is no record of the order being carried out. Actually, there are no more records of Parino Secundus at all.

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