Thursday, May 14, 2020

Events 245.M42


Claiming a Forge World (Credence): The deviant forge World of Credence is ready to rejoin the greater galaxy. The Central Intelligence has recognized Barotta as the Avatar of the Machine and wishes to know how to proceed.

Option 1: Integrate Credence. Gain a Lvl 10 system. Cannot rule more than 1/2 Temporal and Zero Spiritual. Resources/Industries/Services (starting ratings 0/0/5/10/2) can be ruled normally. Also directly control military assets (in addition to the Titans and Ordinatus already claimed), such as fortifications and armies.

Option 2: Create a Vassal. Credence becomes the heart of Barotta's Mechanicum sub-domain. Gains 1/2 of Credence's income, but does not count vs. sprawl, and the garrison is paid for by the vassal. A vassal can be called upon to provide additional aid and forces in times of war (there is only war). 

Technomancers of Credence: The Central Intelligence activates 1000 Technomancers (tech-priests) that join the Jericho Sector (removes any future events caused by lack of tech-priests).

Techno-crusaders of Credence: 1 titan demi-legio (STC Reavers and Warhounds with Tau weapons) and 1 Ordinatus (Tau macro-railguns) have already joined Barotta.

The following units remain on Credence (in reserve): 1 SH Armor (Tau-human hybrid SH tank Brigade), 2 Elite Armored (Skitarii Guards, equivalent to Tau battlesuits), 2 Armored (Tau-human hybrid Leman Russ-equivalent tank Divisions), 4 Mech Inf (Skitarii with Tau guns and armor).

Escorts required: Due to the increasing size of the domain and a large number of trade routes, the current escorts are insufficient to protect the shipping lanes, should the Stigmartus or other pirates resume their raids.

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