Saturday, May 30, 2020

Events 253.M42

Deathwatch recruits: A number of Astartes (presumable loyalists) have made their way to the Jericho Sector where they hope to link up with the Imperial Remnant there (like so many others they seem to think Jericho is a shining beacon of hope and faith). They've arrived in ones or twos or small groups. Some have come to honor old pledges to the Deathwatch, some seek glory, others are the last remnants of their companies or even chapters.

If you accept the new recruits, you may add up to 5 squads of Veteran Deathwatch to your Bodyguard (so they have no upkeep cost). It could have implications later on, if/when some of them find out you're all heretics and traitors. Or not; it's worked out fine thus far.

Traitors! Seven Astartes, two of them from the Old Guard that's followed Barotta since the start, and five from the First Batch recruited prior to Aurum, have turned traitor. Led by veteran Decurion Magnus, have seized a transport and fled, presumably to the Hadex Anomaly. It's currently unclear what other traitors, if any, have joined them, but it looks like some Daughters may have gone with them. The defection was swift, brutal, and silent - a good example of Astartes in action.

Remove 1 TP(BT) from the roster. Gain 10 XP.

The Pyre: Intelligence reports indicate that a Space Marine strike force (or Chaos warband) of at least 3 vessels passed through the area around Vanity, before setting course for the Anomaly or possibly Magog. The ships did broadcast no signals, and their heraldry did not match any know Astartes Chapter. 

It seems unlikely that the task force came out of the time warp. On the other hand, how did the ships get to Vanity if they didn't come from another time?

No effect. Just information at this point.

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