Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Events 241.M42


Calixian refugees (Calixis): The Tau have made contact regarding the resettlement of human refugees from the Calixis. They are fleeing the wars and chaos that's gripping that sector, and aren't affiliated with the Tau. If they can be settled close to the Warp Gate, the Tau is willing to move them there.

The game effect would be a 50% reduction in rule cost of suitable planets (Alphos, Calisi, Pyrathas etc).

Tyranid sighting (Cocijo): A Rogue Trader visiting the Federal World of Cocijo (top of the map) has sent an astropathic message containing a mental image of what looks like a small Hive Ship, or possibly a larger cruiser-type bio-ship, and several escorts approaching the planet.

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