Dark and brooding, Sister Riga doesn't really look the part of a sweet sister of the Orders Hospitaller. Her healing touch cannot be denied, however. Nor her skill with the tools of the interrogator. Or her eagerness in other matters.
Riga would always wear white. In battle or in peace, in bed, or in the torture pit. Always white. Until the day she failed Barotta, and allowed mutation to creep into his Astartes. Then she failed to tell him the sorry state of affairs. Now she wears black to remind her of the price of failure.
She comes from the same simple origins as Karla Omega. And like her fellow Daughter has had to go above and beyond what she trained for. Perhaps the strain has been too great, or her skills not sufficient. Perhaps, after all, she's a pretty thing to look at, and a fun toy, but not more.
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