Saturday, May 2, 2020

Beseritor (Hive World)


The outlying world of Beseritor was the most unremarkable of place, until sometime in M36 when it was designated as an urban development area. Several Adeptus Mechanics Constructor Cadres arrived and started erecting the foundations and structural supports of several modern hive cities.

As the hives neared completion, the first batches of settlers, skilled workers, and their families, arrived to finish what the Machine God had started. The future looked bright for Beseritor.

Then the dark times came. Jericho was cut off from the larger galaxy, and the downward spiral began. No more settlers arrived, nor the resources necessary to finish what had been started. Beseritor faded from living memory... then faded altogether.

Until a scout ship from the Achilus Crusade made contact. They found the unfinished hives still inhabited, each essentially a city-state, forever waging war against its neighbors. Playing the factions against each other, Compliance was achieved in less than five years.

The ancient hives were found to be well-preserved, even after all those years, and Crusade COmmand ordered the resumption of building. Then Hive Fleet Dagon came sweeping down the Orpheus Salient, and although Beseritor was spared the worst of the Xenos' assault, it was once again forgotten...

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