Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Mors Accipitres/Death Hawks (Astartes Chapter)



The Death Hawks are known as  Mors Accipitres in High Gothic, literally Death that comes silently swooping (like a bird of prey). They are of unknown founding, probably M36, and are likely of Fated Sons stock, though no Primogenitor is listed.

In 999.M41 the Death Hawks worked with Wolf Lord Gnyrll Bluetooth's command, seeking to end the Red Corsair threat against Parenexes. Due to some failure on the Hawk's part (or so the Wolves claim - the Hawks don't comment), the Corsairs turned the tables on the Corpse-God's followers and wiped out both Astartes commands. 

The Corsairs began hunting the Hawks actively after this. By 237.M42 they had cornered the Chapter and stood poised to wipe them out. Barotta intervened psychically and had his Eldar allies lead them to safety through the Webway. Two companies were saved, led by CM Vladimir and CL Nicolay.

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