Thursday, April 16, 2020

Watch-Stations of the Jericho Deathwatch

Erioch is a vast fortress, hidden and centrally located, but it cannot cover the entire Jericho Reach effectively. A number of smaller forts are scattered across the Reach, especially in the area around the Hadex Anomaly, but also elsewhere. These so-called Watch Stations were hidden fortress-monasteries, used for rest and resupply, and acting as forward bases.

It should be possible to Research the locations of 1 or more Watch Stations. The stations might provide additional Astartes equipment or other benefits for the Master of the Deathwatch.

Discovered Watch-stations:

Watch Station ANDRONICUS: Distant and dead Andronicus is the site of both a mighty fortress of the Deathwatch, and the Inquisition's Warp Observatory. Pimerial First Techmarine VANDAR ILYCH was recovered from here.

Now the fortress sits empty, protected only by automated defenses, and only a skeleton crew maintains the recently repaired observatory. Only the machine God knows for how long they will manage to keep it running, but the best bet is not very long.

Watch Station Arkhas: Watch Station Arkhas is a void station that sits hidden within the gas clouds that wreathe Arkhas VII, the system's outermost planet.

The Arkhas system contains two inhabitable, but unsettled worlds, frigid Arkhas IV, and steaming Arkhas III. The system is also an important Warp juncture, and could become a major transshipment point.

Watch Station IOBEL: Station is submerged under the kilometers-thick ice sheets of the 2nd moon of Iobel's only planet, the majestic ochre gas giant called ACHYLUS' LAMENT (no records exist of why the planet is so named).

Some of the Midael staff under the leadership of Fire Angel Librarian JON CASTUS escaped here aboard the Claymore-class Corvette Witch-slayer. Novamarine Watch-Sergeant Echilus investigated the site, taking WS Phaedas after the Iron Collar had been pacified.

WM Barotta was forced to assist when Phaedas was unable to leave due to the currents of the swelling Anomaly. It's likely that the system will be consumed, like Midael was, the next time the Anomaly expands. The station should be well protected, however, and could be used as a secret base inside the Anomaly itself.

Watch Station MIDAEL: Located within the deep stone catacombs beneath HIVE CRASSUS, the Jewel of Midael the Fallen. One of the largest of the Jericho Watch-stations, Midael guarded one of the most heavily trafficked routes in and out of the Hadex Anomaly. Such was the scale of the caverns that the station had room enough for an escort-class vessel, hidden from prying eyes by the earth's embrace.

Watch Station Midael was swallowed by a sudden expansion of the Hadex Anomaly. It subsequently came under attack by Chaos forces and it's staff and Astartes slaughtered, including Watch-Captain AMANEDIEL of the DARK ANGELS.

Watch Station OERTHA: Located on a non-descript rocky body in the Oertha system, close to the Greyhell Front, WS Oertah was a recently established outpost, tasked with keeping an eye on the Tau.

When a Tyranid fleet arrived, the Watch-Sergeant of Oertha was forced to make common cause with the Tau. The Tyranids were driven off, but in the process, the Tau discovered the presence of the station. Oertha was obliterated by heavy railgun strikes. At least that's what Barotta believes may have happened.

Watch Station PHAEDAS: The Watch-Station is essentially a Warp-capable void station, its structures constructed into a small asteroid. Phaedas is a relic of ages past, largely automated, its myriad machine spirits (artificial intelligences) demonstrating sophistication that rivals those of the most ancient and revered of Titans. The vessel seems to operate based on incredibly complex logic paths, turning augur data into plotted courses, even able to travel short distances through the Warp without a Navigator.

Phaedas obeys only the commands of the Watch-Master. It's with great reluctance it allows humans to board it, and it will not suffer the ministrations of any Magos.

Unexplored Watch-stations:

Watch Station Bellom - A watch station in the Canis Salient of the Achilus Crusade.
Watch Station Hestus - A watch station in the Canis Salient of the Achilus Crusade.

Watch Station Ormasim


Watch Station Castiel - A watch station in the Orpheus Salient of the Achilus Crusade.

Watch Station Credence - A watch station in the Canis Salient of the Achilus Crusade.

Watch Station Hlesan Secundus - A watch station in the Acheros Salient of the Achilus Crusade.
Watch Station Cosel
Watch Station Cressid

Watch Station Skapula

Watch Station Resgulus - A watch station in the Acheros Salient of the Achilus Crusade.
Watch Station Skapula - A watch station in the Canis Salient of the Achilus Crusade.
Watch Station Tryphon - A watch station in the Orpheus Salient of the Achilus Crusade.

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