![Red Nebula [4K] : wallpapers](https://i.redd.it/9w4m91k1yax11.jpg)
The Hadex Anomaly is a raging temporal Warp rift that lies at the core of the Jericho Reach in the Eastern Fringe of the galaxy. Bathing countless worlds in a sickly red glow, this nebulous tear in space-time represents far more than a navigational hazard or obstruction to astropathic communication. It is a cancer upon the fabric of time and space, and entire star systems have been lost to its baleful influence.
Since the time of its formation, the Hadex Anomaly has haunted the Jericho Reach, casting out its malign Warp radiation and corrupting many worlds. Measurements performed by the Deathwatch over the centuries indicate that, since its creation, the Anomaly has continued to grow fractionally every year, slowly pulling the worlds of the Reach into its dark grasp. This growth is not steady, however. Like a monstrous heart palpitating in the void, the influence of the Hadex Anomaly expands and recedes rhythmically, absorbing and disgorging entire solar systems over the course of decades.
Worlds bathed in the crimson glow of the Anomaly become saturated with its corrupting essence, while stars languish under its stygian radiance. Such stars become clotted red orbs, shedding a carmine luminescence mimicking that of the Anomaly itself. The worlds touched by the red glare become... changed. Infused with protean energies they grow both more verdant, and more deadly.
Scholars, savants, and madmen have striven to classify the anomaly in line with others of its type, such as the Eye of Terror, the Maelstrom, and the Gates of Fire, yet it continues to defy all classification. Though clearly a Warp/realspace interface or Warp rift like most other similar events, the Hadex Anomaly exerts an exotic effect not just upon the physical realm but on the temporal as well.
In their vain efforts to understand the Anomaly, Imperial savants have claimed it seems to "spew time" into the surrounding region, disrupting the flow of events and occasionally reordering them entirely. It is conjectured that the Hadex Anomaly is the source of a flow of time spewing forth into the galaxy from another dimension, although any efforts to fully catalog or study the effects of the Anomaly have ended in utter disaster.
More than the forces of the Stigmartus, the xenos fleets, or the warbands of the Traitor Legions, the Hadex Anomaly represents a seemingly insurmountable obstacle standing in the way of the Achilus Crusade's Acheros Salient. How can the forces of Mankind know victory when their enemy is space itself?
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