The Reach is littered with celestial perils from the Slinnar Deep Gulfs to the Hadex Anomaly, a combination of stellar debris and void-born chaos so common in the far galactic east. Among these wild zones, the Black Reef stands as a briar patch of gravitational madness effectively closing off an entire area of space.
Located at the extreme edge of the Canis Salient on the coreward rim of the sector, it has for decades been a natural shield against the Achilus Crusade's advance, providing the outposts of the T'au Empire in the Reach with a solid edifice against attack.
Bordered by the T'au worlds of Tsua'Malor, Krrk'tikit, and Iphigenia, the Black Reef is practically impassable to voidships, its gravity storms reaching into the Warp itself, fouling Warp routes and disturbing the Immaterium, forcing vessels to return to realspace and face the anomaly's brutal power.
The T'au have made extensive use of this barrier to shield their worlds from assault and have created their defensive line to either side, confident that no Imperial battlegroup could hope to cross it alive.
The Black Reef is far more than a mere celestial hazard, however, and over the years both the Humans and the T'au have made attempts to determine its purpose and perhaps what lies at its core.
It is known to both sides that it covers a number of ancient systems and perhaps hides the remains of some long lost civilization, one that predates both the T'au and the Imperial presence in the sector.
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