Athertran III is an earth-like world at the very edge of the Acheros Salient. The entire world is locked into an indefinite Medieval period, so no radio communication or other emissions were detected by the Crusade's auguries. Furthermore, no yellow life-giving star had ever been recorded in that area, let alone a fertile world, so the augur-seers weren't really looking.
Given the primitive state of affairs, the planet almost went undetected, until the astropathic choir on Wrath started hearing voices in the void. Scouts were sent to investigate the source of the signal: they found Athertran III.
The world seemed ripe for compliance and colonization... except for one thing: in between petty warring human kingdoms could be found the feudal realms of Eldar, Orks, Tau, and other creatures. So instead of colonization, the Inquisition started an investigation, suspecting dark forces were at play.
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