The following non-STC ship patterns are being seen with the Stigmartus raider fleets:
Black Dart: Raider-class (RR) vessel, about the same tonnage as an Imperial corvette. Looks a bit like a Claymore, without stub wings and an arrow-like prow of darkest hell-forged steel. Extremely fast, decently armored for its size, but practically unshielded. Rudimentary batteries only, enough to handle transports and light escorts, but useless against ships of the line. It has a special "ramming-mode" where it overburns its drives to plunge into an enemy ship to disgorge its complement of mutant boarders. The Sector navy has destroyed about a dozen of these vessels now, but their presence has only grown.
Berzerker: Heavy Raider (RH), about the size and power of an Imperial destroyer. It looks a lot like an Iconoclast, but with a prominent hatchet-shaped prow. High speed, but not nearly as fast as the Black Dart. Better shielded and carrying more batteries, it can be dangerous in numbers. It does, however, lack torpedoes and lances, making it less of a threat against capital ships. Like the Dart, it's been designed for boarding. In addition to ramming, the Berzerker has powerful retros than can be fired to tear free of the impact area, ripping out the innards of the enemy vessel.
Razorcrest: Frigate-sized ship recently spotted. It's visually similar to a Sword-class frigate, but instead of the heavy prow, it has a "crest" of adamantium running along the hull. It is possible that this crest can be used for "slashing" attacks against enemy ships.
Barotta caught glimpses of other ships being built around Samech, including larger hulls (up to battlecruiser size).
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