Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Loyal Sons

Warhammer 40k 30th Anniversary by Igor Sid : ImaginaryBattlefields


Something happened the last time Barotta went back. His words put seeds into fertile soil, and something or someone has protected and nurtured those seeds. It's a crop ten thousand years in the making. A crop of Astartes, Loyal Sons all.

Thus far, two companies of veterans, each of a different chapter, have flocked to Barotta's banner, united by the common myth cycle of the Loyal Son (and by extension a Father). It should not be possible, but it has happened. 

Only time will tell how many more there might be.

Research Option: Loyal Sons unlocked.

Dark Sons: 1 company
Templars of Blood: 1 company

Brazen Skulls: unable to establish contact
Celebrants: 1 company recruited
Death Hawks: 2 companies rescued from the Red Corsairs.

Research Option: The Future, Always In Motion unlocked.

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