Thursday, April 16, 2020

Pelegius (Unclassified World, Canis Salient)

Planet (The Caretaker) | Tardis | Fandom


Pelegius is an officially unclassified planet located in the Jericho Reach. Located only a short distance behind the Greyhell Front of the Achilus Crusade, Pelegius has been contested by T'au expeditions and Imperial crusaders alike for solar decades. The planet's wealth of natural resources means that both sides regard it as extremely valuable, yet that same worth has resulted in a world which is inimical to Human or T'au life. 

If rumors are to be believed, however, it is not merely mineral resources that has drawn the gaze of Human and T'au alike to Pelegius, and it is not merely the toxin-saturated, irradiated environment that poses a threat to those who seek to claim this bounteous world. Who knows what treasures - and horrors - await beneath the sands of this hellish death world?

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