From the Ever-changing Library and the Watch-master's archives on Erioch:
The 11th Legion of Astartes, originally named the Granite Guard, was briefly known as the Sons of Xandor, after their Primarch, who was known as "the Xandor". Few records exist of the Legion before (or after) the discovery of the Xandor, but some facts can be gleaned: they fought loyally and well, always disciplined and rational, excelling at speartip strikes with minimal collateral.
According to one report, a detachment that may have been SoX marines, arrived in the Jericho Reach shortly after the Ultramarines and Night Lords had claimed the first Imperial footholds there during the Great Crusade.
When the Primarch was discovered, however, the Legion was disbanded and the name stricken from the rolls, as if it had never existed at all. The reason is not fully understood, but there is reason to believe that the Xandor had either taken to the worship of dark gods - or in another version of the story, declared himself divine. Whatever the reason, the Imperium no longer trusted the Sons, through no fault of their own.
During the Great Scouring, it's possible, likely even, that a full Chapter of Sox aided elements of the Novamarines (successors to the Ultramarines), Raven Guard and White Scars in reclaiming rebellious worlds that remained loyal to the traitorous Night Lords. It is thought that this Sons of Xandor incarnation was a 2nd Founding Chapter, perhaps raised from original Legion gene-seed. Or, according to two separate sources, made up of actual Astartes from the original SoX Legion.
The truth of the matter will likely never be known, lost to the long eons. The name of the Chapter Master, is known, however. Moebius, the man who slew 1st Captain Erioch and claimed the star fortress for the Imperium. Moebius, originally of the 1st Legion, the Dark Angels. Moebius was one of the old guard, assigned to watch over and teach the first Astartes emerging for another Legion - the 11th, the Sons of Xandor. Moebius, who was later named Fallen by his old legion, for reasons also lost to time.
Moebius became the 1st Watch-Master of Jericho, creating a multi-Chapter composite force to guard the region, so that it might remain forever safe, even after he and his Chapter moved on to other assignments. In time, all the original Chapters involved in the liberation of Jericho moved on, but they remembered their pledge to Moebius, and kept sending loyal Astartes to guard Jericho. Thus was born the Jericho Watch.
Information about the SoX after this is sketchy at best. Some scholars believe they ventured into the Utter East, beyond the reach of the Astronomican, to search of the Night Lords. Other stories have as little - or as much - hold to them. Placing them in the Ghoul Stars. Venturing into the Eye of Terror. Leaving the Galaxy altogether. Sleeping beneath the Imperial Palace.
Most likely the Chapter was destroyed at some point because a new SoX chapter was created sometime in the 36th Millennium. Either during the 13th "Dark Founding" (early M36) or the 21st "Cursed Founding" (late M36). Were they created from existing SoX seed, preserved in sacred AdMech vaults? If so, seed from the 11th Legion, or the lost Chapter?
No one knows, except the Sons themselves of course. Reports are few and far between. A scrap here, a hint there. Tales of a chapter that could be the Sons - or someone else. They may have operated briefly in the Jericho Sector around the time of its fall, but after that, nothing. Not until they appeared in the Calixis Sector around 190.M42 - and promptly vanished on a Crusade into the Screaming Vortex.
Madness, surely. Another noble chapter, gone.
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