Friday, April 24, 2020

Research Options - Crystals of Aurum

Note: Completed means that line of research is done, Initiated means it's started and has produced some results, Unlocked means a new line of research has opened.


Crystals (Completed): Deep underground on Aurum, crystals grow in the dark, almost like a living thing, somehow fed by the energies of the warp. These crystals potentially have many applications. It is possible they are artificial, created perhaps by the Eldar (unlikely, but not impossible) or the Slann (likely, but not guaranteed).

Enables: Research into Special Crystals.

Special Crystals (Completed): There are many types of crystals on Aurum. Some are good for nothing more than high-quality energy refraction, but some crystals are psy-active and warp-attuned in ways that defy conventional science. The special crystals seem to be "born" when crystalline formations naturally occurring on Aurum accumulate enough warp charge to become "activated".

Enables: Research into individual Crystal Applications.

Crystal Farming (Unlocked): It's possible that placing special crystals with rich crystal deposits and then "farming" them could produce faster "growth" bigger "harvests" of special crystals.

More research possible.


Genesis Seeds (Initiated): It seems possible that the crystals may have a use as a terraforming agent, and may well have been responsible for the creation of the Eldar "Maiden Worlds" back in hallowed antiquity.

By taking crystals from Aurum and "seeding" either worlds, these worlds should begin to evolve into something more pleasant for humans (assuming whoever made the crystals are similar to humans). 

In a few thousand years, there should be some results... it will never be a very quick process, but surely it can be made a bit faster.

More research possible.

Entropic Dampening (Initiated): Since the crystals feed of warp energy, they have the secondary effect of protecting everything in close proximity from the worst ravages of Chaos. It's hardly fully immunity, but it's still important - very few things can slow pure entropy.

More research possible.

Enables: Research into Reversing Mutation and Wide-area Dampening Matrixes

Anti-mutagens (Initiated): It's possible the crystals could draw out enough warp taint to halt, or possibly reverse mutation. Thus far it seems mutation is slowed down, but not halted. Reversing mutation seems impossible at this stage.

More research possible.

Psy-foci crafting (Unlocked): It should be possible for a trained, psy-active character to use the crystals as the basis of crafting psy-foci.

More research possible.

Spirit Stones (Initiated): It's possible that the crystals are similar to the spirit stones the Eldar wear, and could potentially hold the soul of a deceased warrior. 

The Spirit Stones will also provide a slight warp-dampening effect for the wearer (implemented for all SoX), as described below.

More research possible.

Crystal Arrays (Completed): Crystals can be crafted into crystal arrays that cause a strong resonance that amplified the effects of a single crystal.

Wide-area Dampening Matrixes (Unlocked): By creating at least eight massive crystal matrixes around the anomaly, it should, in theory, be possible to prevent it from expanding and ending its influence over the Charon Stars. With proper handling, the Anomaly could be shrunk, even collapsed.

More research required and possible.

Temporal Manipulation (Unlocked): It's possible, however unlikely, the crystals are linked to the time-warping effects of the Anomaly.

More research possible.

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