![Red Nebula [4K] : wallpapers](https://i.redd.it/9w4m91k1yax11.jpg)
The Charon Stars, a name used to refer to stars located near the Hadex Anomaly, are touched by the taint of the Warp to various degrees. Because of the Warp-breach's unpredictable motion, agents of the Ordo Malleus have been unable to determine just how far these contaminants may extend.
The Anomaly isn't static, but pulses, expands and contracts according to an unfathomable rhythm, so that new systems can be swallowed up - or spat out. While stars that have left the Hadex effect no longer glow with sickly red light, their worlds are hardly cleansed of its influence. Rather, these systems may bear the subtle markings of Chaos taint for millennia to come.
Some notable Charon Stars (the list isn't exhaustive - more will be added):
Bolgra (Fortress World): More of a legend than anything else, Mighty Bolgra was one of the great fortresses guarding Verronus. Ever competing with other, lesser fortresses, Bolgra built it's buttresses higher than anyone and sunk its bunkers deeper into the planet's crust than had ever been done before.
According to some legends Bolgra still endures, waiting for the return of the God-Emperor. Then will be revealed the Heir to the Throne of Verronus, the fair Princess-Governor Alienne, last scion of the line of sector overlords, who has slept for all these years in Bolgra's deepest stasis chamber.
Hlesan Secundus (Fortress World): This world marks the highwater mark of the Acheros Salient's advance towards the Anomaly. Blessedly free of the taint of most systems so close to the Anomaly, it seemed a perfect place for a forward base. Before the world could be fully fortified and garrisoned, however, resources were siphoned off to Hethgard to prepare for the Tyranid onslaught. What became of the vanguard forces and constructor regiments left on Hlesan Secundus no one knows.
Iobel (Dead World): Another Watch-station is located here, submerged under the kilometers-thick ice sheets of the 2nd moon of Iobel's only planet. After the loss of Midael, Iobel is the best location for observing the comings and goings into the Spinward section of the Anomaly.
Khazant (War World): The Corsairs of Kahazant were defeated by the Achilus Crusades after years of bitter fighting. Now they are back, stronger than ever. Since the Imperial forces here are no more, the War World classification probably isn't accurate.
Magog (Forbidden/Fortress World): The Magog System has been drawn into and exited from the Hadex Anomaly countless times in the millennia since the disturbance first appeared. Formerly a Fortress World guarding the heart of the Jericho Sector, Magog is now horribly mutated by continuous contact with the Warp energies emanating from the Hadex Anomaly, making it a prime recruiting ground for the Stigmartus Chaos Cult.
When the Anomaly swells, the entire planet pulses, as if it was a living thing, and Daemons stalk the land. This is an important time for the Stigmartus, a time of worship and celebration, and other, darker things.
Malehi (Fortress World): When Crusade scouts penetrated the outer circumference of the Anomaly, they found the fortress world of Malehi waiting for them, perfectly preserved against the ravages of time and the warp. There was only one catch: Malehi is completely frozen in time, as if encased in a stasis field greater than anything ever reported before. Imperial diviners and analysts were perplexed: how could the ever-changing forces of Chaos turn into stasis? How could entropy become the exact opposite?
Midael (Dead World): The Deathwatch maintained a Watch-station here, tasked with monitoring the Spinward routes leading into the Anomaly. Less than half a century ago Midael was swallowed by a sudden surge in the Anomaly and has not been released since.
Ravacene (Unclassified): Ravacene is a Death World located in the Greyhell Front. But sometimes it appears to be close to the Anomaly, not many light-years from Erioch. Closer examination reveals it to be a mirage of sorts, like an oasis seen in the dead desert. It is, however, possible to reach the world itself without resorting to Warp drives. It's almost like traveling through a warp gate, only it's not.
Resgulus (Dead World): The Deathwatch maintained a Watch-station here for several centuries, but it was abandoned for unknown reasons, despite being an excellent position for observing the Trailing approaches to the Anomaly. The system itself is relatively unremarkable, save the ruins of a forgotten human colony, predating the Imperium by many millennia.
Tabius Rasa (Feudal World): Harsh and windswept world where feudal humans live in unholy congregation with foul Xenos.
The Blood Trinity (Unclassified Worlds): Like the rest of the Cellebos Warzone, the three planets of the Blood Trinity is part of the Charon Stars.
The Wicked Sisters (Forbidden/PleasureWorlds): The Wicked Sisters, as they are now called, are markedly bizarre. Located dangerously close to the heavily contested Cellebos Warzone, the two systems, Delphos and Iatos, are completely identical, and the planets themselves are indistinguishable from each other.
After the conquest of these two systems by Lord General Ovidius, there were many members of the Adeptus Administratum who opposed establishing an Imperial presence on the worlds due to their bizarre nature. However, after seeing the verdant and beautiful terrain for themselves, they could not let such worlds go unused.
Sometime later the systems were both declared Forbidden by the Holy Ordos. What became of the Imperial colonists no one but the Inquisition knows.
Vanity (Forbidden World): The devastated surface of Vanity has little to offer a visitor, but the temporal flux associated with the Anomaly is at its strongest here. Grand Master Krawl of the Ordo Malleus has declared the world Forbidden.
Vespasia (Agri/War World): This green and verdant world, rich in life, is a prime supplier of agri-goods to the warriors of the Stigmartus. Unlike Magog, which is deeply affected by Chaos, Vespasia seems relatively benign and untainted.
The Anomaly isn't static, but pulses, expands and contracts according to an unfathomable rhythm, so that new systems can be swallowed up - or spat out. While stars that have left the Hadex effect no longer glow with sickly red light, their worlds are hardly cleansed of its influence. Rather, these systems may bear the subtle markings of Chaos taint for millennia to come.
Some notable Charon Stars (the list isn't exhaustive - more will be added):
According to some legends Bolgra still endures, waiting for the return of the God-Emperor. Then will be revealed the Heir to the Throne of Verronus, the fair Princess-Governor Alienne, last scion of the line of sector overlords, who has slept for all these years in Bolgra's deepest stasis chamber.
Hlesan Secundus (Fortress World): This world marks the highwater mark of the Acheros Salient's advance towards the Anomaly. Blessedly free of the taint of most systems so close to the Anomaly, it seemed a perfect place for a forward base. Before the world could be fully fortified and garrisoned, however, resources were siphoned off to Hethgard to prepare for the Tyranid onslaught. What became of the vanguard forces and constructor regiments left on Hlesan Secundus no one knows.
Iobel (Dead World): Another Watch-station is located here, submerged under the kilometers-thick ice sheets of the 2nd moon of Iobel's only planet. After the loss of Midael, Iobel is the best location for observing the comings and goings into the Spinward section of the Anomaly.
Khazant (War World): The Corsairs of Kahazant were defeated by the Achilus Crusades after years of bitter fighting. Now they are back, stronger than ever. Since the Imperial forces here are no more, the War World classification probably isn't accurate.
Magog (Forbidden/Fortress World): The Magog System has been drawn into and exited from the Hadex Anomaly countless times in the millennia since the disturbance first appeared. Formerly a Fortress World guarding the heart of the Jericho Sector, Magog is now horribly mutated by continuous contact with the Warp energies emanating from the Hadex Anomaly, making it a prime recruiting ground for the Stigmartus Chaos Cult.
When the Anomaly swells, the entire planet pulses, as if it was a living thing, and Daemons stalk the land. This is an important time for the Stigmartus, a time of worship and celebration, and other, darker things.
Malehi (Fortress World): When Crusade scouts penetrated the outer circumference of the Anomaly, they found the fortress world of Malehi waiting for them, perfectly preserved against the ravages of time and the warp. There was only one catch: Malehi is completely frozen in time, as if encased in a stasis field greater than anything ever reported before. Imperial diviners and analysts were perplexed: how could the ever-changing forces of Chaos turn into stasis? How could entropy become the exact opposite?
Midael (Dead World): The Deathwatch maintained a Watch-station here, tasked with monitoring the Spinward routes leading into the Anomaly. Less than half a century ago Midael was swallowed by a sudden surge in the Anomaly and has not been released since.
Ravacene (Unclassified): Ravacene is a Death World located in the Greyhell Front. But sometimes it appears to be close to the Anomaly, not many light-years from Erioch. Closer examination reveals it to be a mirage of sorts, like an oasis seen in the dead desert. It is, however, possible to reach the world itself without resorting to Warp drives. It's almost like traveling through a warp gate, only it's not.
Resgulus (Dead World): The Deathwatch maintained a Watch-station here for several centuries, but it was abandoned for unknown reasons, despite being an excellent position for observing the Trailing approaches to the Anomaly. The system itself is relatively unremarkable, save the ruins of a forgotten human colony, predating the Imperium by many millennia.
Tabius Rasa (Feudal World): Harsh and windswept world where feudal humans live in unholy congregation with foul Xenos.
The Blood Trinity (Unclassified Worlds): Like the rest of the Cellebos Warzone, the three planets of the Blood Trinity is part of the Charon Stars.
The Wicked Sisters (Forbidden/PleasureWorlds): The Wicked Sisters, as they are now called, are markedly bizarre. Located dangerously close to the heavily contested Cellebos Warzone, the two systems, Delphos and Iatos, are completely identical, and the planets themselves are indistinguishable from each other.
After the conquest of these two systems by Lord General Ovidius, there were many members of the Adeptus Administratum who opposed establishing an Imperial presence on the worlds due to their bizarre nature. However, after seeing the verdant and beautiful terrain for themselves, they could not let such worlds go unused.
Sometime later the systems were both declared Forbidden by the Holy Ordos. What became of the Imperial colonists no one but the Inquisition knows.
Vanity (Forbidden World): The devastated surface of Vanity has little to offer a visitor, but the temporal flux associated with the Anomaly is at its strongest here. Grand Master Krawl of the Ordo Malleus has declared the world Forbidden.
Vespasia (Agri/War World): This green and verdant world, rich in life, is a prime supplier of agri-goods to the warriors of the Stigmartus. Unlike Magog, which is deeply affected by Chaos, Vespasia seems relatively benign and untainted.
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