Thursday, April 30, 2020

Chamber of St. Psyche

Weight Of Thought - Spaceship Interior on Behance

Barotta has located a peculiar psychic booster chamber deep within the labyrinthine central structure of Erioch. It's not obviously connected to the Omega Vault, yet there is no record of it anywhere in the archives of the Watch-master or the Chief Librarian of the Long Watch.

While it's obviously a psy-booster of some sort, it seems incredibly complex and powerful, and the notion that it has other, deeper secrets cannot be discounted.

Research Option: Chamber of St. Psyche unlocked. 

Leading to the Chamber of St. Psyche is a spiraling corridor studded with eight most identical chambers. It's worth noting that the corridor itself is improbably long and winding, and the cambers placed so they cannot possibly exist in the space they occupy solely in three-dimensional space.

When found, each chamber held a precious psychic artifact, leading Barotta to believe they were secure vaults. But what if they have another, more sinister function?

Research Option: The Eight-fold Way unlocked.

Ships of the Stigmartus

Jerome Chenu on Twitter: "The #Leviathan | #Art by #FabienTogman ...

The following non-STC ship patterns are being seen with the Stigmartus raider fleets:


Black Dart: Raider-class (RR) vessel, about the same tonnage as an Imperial corvette. Looks a bit like a Claymore, without stub wings and an arrow-like prow of darkest hell-forged steel. Extremely fast, decently armored for its size, but practically unshielded. Rudimentary batteries only, enough to handle transports and light escorts, but useless against ships of the line. It has a special "ramming-mode" where it overburns its drives to plunge into an enemy ship to disgorge its complement of mutant boarders. The Sector navy has destroyed about a dozen of these vessels now, but their presence has only grown.

Berzerker: Heavy Raider (RH), about the size and power of an Imperial destroyer. It looks a lot like an Iconoclast, but with a prominent hatchet-shaped prow. High speed, but not nearly as fast as the Black Dart. Better shielded and carrying more batteries, it can be dangerous in numbers. It does, however, lack torpedoes and lances, making it less of a threat against capital ships. Like the Dart, it's been designed for boarding. In addition to ramming, the Berzerker has powerful retros than can be fired to tear free of the impact area, ripping out the innards of the enemy vessel.

Razorcrest: Frigate-sized ship recently spotted. It's visually similar to a Sword-class frigate, but instead of the heavy prow, it has a "crest" of adamantium running along the hull. It is possible that this crest can be used for "slashing" attacks against enemy ships.

Barotta caught glimpses of other ships being built around Samech, including larger hulls (up to battlecruiser size).

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Loyal Sons

Warhammer 40k 30th Anniversary by Igor Sid : ImaginaryBattlefields


Something happened the last time Barotta went back. His words put seeds into fertile soil, and something or someone has protected and nurtured those seeds. It's a crop ten thousand years in the making. A crop of Astartes, Loyal Sons all.

Thus far, two companies of veterans, each of a different chapter, have flocked to Barotta's banner, united by the common myth cycle of the Loyal Son (and by extension a Father). It should not be possible, but it has happened. 

Only time will tell how many more there might be.

Research Option: Loyal Sons unlocked.

Dark Sons: 1 company
Templars of Blood: 1 company

Brazen Skulls: unable to establish contact
Celebrants: 1 company recruited
Death Hawks: 2 companies rescued from the Red Corsairs.

Research Option: The Future, Always In Motion unlocked.

Athertran III (Feudal World)

Battle Fantasy Art wallpapers | Battle Fantasy Art stock photos


Athertran III is an earth-like world at the very edge of the Acheros Salient. The entire world is locked into an indefinite Medieval period, so no radio communication or other emissions were detected by the Crusade's auguries. Furthermore, no yellow life-giving star had ever been recorded in that area, let alone a fertile world, so the augur-seers weren't really looking. 

Given the primitive state of affairs, the planet almost went undetected, until the astropathic choir on Wrath started hearing voices in the void. Scouts were sent to investigate the source of the signal: they found Athertran III.

The world seemed ripe for compliance and colonization... except for one thing: in between petty warring human kingdoms could be found the feudal realms of Eldar, Orks, Tau, and other creatures. So instead of colonization, the Inquisition started an investigation, suspecting dark forces were at play.

Witchwood (Forbidden World)

The Tangled Wood | Fairy artwork, Fantasy landscape, Fantasy drawings


Witchwood is a haunted, dangerous world, declared off-limits by the Ordo Xenos. That hasn't prevented enterprising Rogue Traders from visiting the world from time to time. Each time they tell a new, fantastic tale. Of fabulously naked Eldar dancing in starlit forests. Of fearsome yet beautiful angels living among men. Of crystal forests brimming with psychic energy. And more.

Meniscus (Feral World)

Swamp Warrior (With images) | Mtg art, Art


Meniscus is the name of a Feral World in the vicinity of the Cellebos Warzone. The planet is covered in life, from plains of head-high grass to waterfalls thick with microbial life and noisome swamps where new forms of predator and prey evolve daily.

Here, among the hills that rise above a forest of spongy fungal trees, is an obscene nation built on the worship of the Dark Gods, in particular, the so-called "Most Sanctified Host of the Young God." Both Tau and Empire have sent expeditions here, but they have all ended in disaster, as frenzied warriors fueled by dark power and powerful wyrds attack within days of planetfall.

Black Omen (Forbidden World)

This planet is so dark scientists have no idea what it looks like ...


Black Omen is a Forbidden World, has been since time immemorial. The Deathwatch is sworn to protect it at all costs - against any who would venture here. Even the Astartes and the Inquisition must be turned away, or a great doom will befall the sector. That's pretty much what the Deathwatch knows about the place - it must be protected, as all cost. 

Why is not important. It's their sacred duty to protect it, so they do. Lord Commander Ebongrave learned this lesson when he would inspect the system. His flagship was boarded, a great number of armsmen and crew were slain, and a bolter put to the Lord Commander's head.

When he later complained to the Inquisition, they told him he got off easy.

Ossua IV (Cemetery World)

old tomb, Lee b on ArtStation at ...


Ossua IV is the old tomb world of the Jericho Sector's ancient past. It was here that Imperial Governors and high nobles were taken after death, to be interred in great mausoleums. No one comes here anymore, for the place has an ill reputation. Moreover, the tombs were plundered long ago. Nothing to find here but night's dark terrors.

Waystone (Cemetery World)

Shrine World | Warhammer 40k | Fandom


The strangely named Waystone system (on the other hand, few outside the Ordo Xenos would have any associations with that term) is a mass grave, pure and simple. 

Initially intended as a place of burial and remembrance for a few million honored dead, the Crusade soon turned into a meat grinder of epic proportions, and there was simply no time or the needed resources for proper burial. Instead, endless mass graves were constructed. To have a name engraved on simple stone is all a Guardsman can hope for these days - and those are the lucky ones. The unlucky ones are too broken to identify - or remain where they fell on the hundred of battlefields of the Achilus Crusade.

The Stigmartus

Warhammer 40k: Possessed Champion of Chaos by MajinMetz on DeviantArt


The Stigmartus is a well-organized military force of the Lost and the Damned in service to the Ruinous Powers found within the Jericho Reach. It is commanded by Cult-General Elak Sarda, a Chaos Champion of immense power.

Of all the forces standing in opposition to the Acheros Salient, none are more belligerent or numerous than the degenerate armies of the Stigmartus. Composed of Renegades, Chaos Cultists, rogue psykers, bound daemons, mutants, and madmen, the Stigmartus represent the greatest single military threat to the success of the Imperial forces retaking the salient.

Despite their disparate makeup, the forces of the Stigmartus display a level of military organization and tactical acumen rarely seen among the servants of Chaos. The Stigmartus also has the benefit of interior lines of communication, a safe (relatively) haven (the Anomaly), and access to the hell-forges of Samech (though only the Dark Gods know what price they must pay for the techno-horrors forged there).

Research Option: The Stigmartus unlocked.

Research Option: Elak Sarda unlocked.

Research Option: Hell-forges of Samech unlocked.

Empire of Night


Vague rumors of a militaristic "Empire" located far to Rimward, well beyond the failed light of the Astronomican, have been confirmed through the capture of a Night Lords Space Marine by Fleet Admiral Eccard Manteuffel. The prisoner has been transferred from the custody of the "Kings of Vanir" to Erioch.

Research Option: Empire of Night unlocked.

Hive Fleet Hydra

Tyranid Invasion | Warhammer 40k artwork, Warhammer, Warhammer 40k


"Beastmaster" Taurus, the Last Black Raven, was briefly in mental communion with a Tyranid entity in 232.M42. The hive mind was searching for synapse creatures of the vanquished Hive Fleet Dagon, and Taurus' unique psy-bond to his Hive Tyrant steed let him catch glimpses of a vast, many-headed organism. He gave it the name "Hive Fleet Hydra." 

Since the hive mind was actively trying to figure out what had befallen Hive Fleet Dagon, it could be that Hydra is the master organism and that Dagon was but one of its many heads. The thought is sobering.

Fortunately, Hydra seemed not to be in Jericho's immediate vicinity, so it could be the sector still has a few good years before all life is consumed.

Research Option: Hive Fleet Hydra unlocked.

The Dead Cabal & the Dark Pattern

Sinitar Verros - Lord Inquisitor of the Ordo Xenos by ...


The Dead Cabal was a secret and select group within the Inquisition that concerned itself with the events of the so-called Dark Pattern occurring within the Jericho Reach and elsewhere in the Ultima Segmentum. 

As far as can be told, there are no known members of the Cabal alive and active in the nascent Jericho Sector. There is a possible match on one Inquisitor Hybris, Ordo Xenos, Mammon sector (about eight hundred light-years to Trailing and Coreward of the Well of Night). 

Research Option: Dead Cabal unlocked.
Research Option: Inquisitor Hybris unlocked.
Research Option: Mammon sector unlocked.

The Dark Pattern is an ominous pattern of Dead Worlds in the Jericho Reach and beyond that has long concerned the Deathwatch and their Ordo Xenos masters. This celestial phenomenon may very well have led to the instigation of the Long Watch in the Reach millennia before the coming of the Achilus Crusade. 

The phenomenon is sometimes described as a web of death, a sprinkling of Dead Worlds, torn from their celestial procession as if to array themselves in the heavens according to some entirely unnatural configuration. Other sources claim these barren worlds are host to elements that should not exist in such places or have known the tread of Xenos species that existed long before the birth of humanity.

Research Option: Dark Pattern unlocked.

According to journal entries from at Ericho, some (now sadly deceased) members of the Cabal were convinced the Aeldari (Eldar in Low Gothic) were involved in the Conclave of Tears. Supposedly Aeldari of all kinds were in on it: Corsairs, Craftowlrd Eldar, Dark Eldar, even the mythical Harelqins. Since Eldar sightings have been exceedingly rare in the Reach, few gave this theory much credit. Those with actual knowledge of the Eldar found it... exceedingly far fetched, as these factions are known not to cooperate very well.

Research Option: Conclave of Tears unlocked.

Monday, April 27, 2020

Velk'Han Sept (Tau Empire)

Tau in Combat Warhammer 40k ART - YouTube


The "Velk'Han Sept" is the Xenos' name for the Tau Empire's settlements around the Black Reef.

Its capital world is Tsua'Malor, located beyond the Reef. The Sept is known to control at least 10 worlds, but there could be more. Some may still have renegade human populations, filthy traitors that have forsaken the God-Emperor in favor of "the Greater Good." Kroots and Vespids are also present in large numbers, and maybe other degenerate races as well.

The Tau had extended their influence almost to the Well of Night when the Achilus Crusade was launched. Initially, the forces of the Imperium quickly pushed the Xenos back, until Tau resistance stiffened, and the Greyhell Front stabilized.

After Hethgard, the Tau began a cautious advance, mostly bypassing the worlds of the Greyhell front and other firmly human-controlled worlds. Meeting little resistance, they pushed all the way to the Gate, seized control of it, and moved into the Calixis Sector.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

The Black Reef

3D animation of space flight through space towards blue nebula ...

The Reach is littered with celestial perils from the Slinnar Deep Gulfs to the Hadex Anomaly, a combination of stellar debris and void-born chaos so common in the far galactic east. Among these wild zones, the Black Reef stands as a briar patch of gravitational madness effectively closing off an entire area of space.

Located at the extreme edge of the Canis Salient on the coreward rim of the sector, it has for decades been a natural shield against the Achilus Crusade's advance, providing the outposts of the T'au Empire in the Reach with a solid edifice against attack.

Bordered by the T'au worlds of Tsua'Malor, Krrk'tikit, and Iphigenia, the Black Reef is practically impassable to voidships, its gravity storms reaching into the Warp itself, fouling Warp routes and disturbing the Immaterium, forcing vessels to return to realspace and face the anomaly's brutal power.

The T'au have made extensive use of this barrier to shield their worlds from assault and have created their defensive line to either side, confident that no Imperial battlegroup could hope to cross it alive.

The Black Reef is far more than a mere celestial hazard, however, and over the years both the Humans and the T'au have made attempts to determine its purpose and perhaps what lies at its core.

It is known to both sides that it covers a number of ancient systems and perhaps hides the remains of some long lost civilization, one that predates both the T'au and the Imperial presence in the sector.

Credos (Devoured World)

steampunk oil rig final by shaddam89 on DeviantArt


Credos was a Frontier World rich with promethium found within the Jericho Reach. For this reason, the Achilus Crusade established an outpost early on in the formation of the Orpheus Salient. 

Credos was the first Imperial world to fall to the Tyranids of Hive Fleet Dagon.

Phonos (Devoured World)

Scifi Jungle by on @deviantART | Fantasy ...


Phonos was a Frontier World of massive mountains and vast forests, seemingly untouched by man, when the Achilus Crusade's scouts arrived here late M41. Untouched, until a single STC-compliant facility was found, Facility Phi-Omega-Nu-Omicron-Sigma, covered in impenetrable force fields. 

The Mechanicus erected a research base, Table Mountain, nearby, and proceeded to pour millions of Magi-hours into understanding the nature of the facility and how to unlock it. By the time the Tyranids devoured the world, the tech-priests had not succeeded.

Jove's Descent (Feral World)

Mysterious-Forest by ashokconcept | Fantasy | 2D | CGSociety


Jove's Descent is an enigmatic Feral World found deep within the Orpheus Salient, beyond all but the furthest-flung elements of the Achilus Crusade's forces.

Currently, it is subject to a sociological and technological survey by the Imperium, and thus travel to Jove's Descent is permitted only by express mandate of the crusade's High Command.

Touched by heroes in the earliest days of the Imperium, the world somehow never became anything more than an insignificant footnote in Imperial histories. Instead, all that remains are failed colonies and alien ruins, and the echoes of the long-dead that linger far longer than they have any right to.

Jove's Descent is a haunted and benighted place, yet one that holds many secrets and the interest of those who seek to understand the perils of tomorrow in the tales of long ago. 

The veil between reality and the Immaterium is particularly thin around the world, and the Warp's unnatural power presses heavily upon it.

Avalos (Devoured World)

The Papandayan Dead Forest-Java, Indonesia - Global Landscapes Forum


Avalos is a semi-Devoured World located within the Orpheus Salient. A major action against a Genestealr Cult was fought by the Deathwatch here, resulting in the death of the Broodlord and the exposure of a massive cult following. 

As the Inquisition was purging the unclean, a Hive fleet arrived, undoubtedly summoned by the Broodlord. The timely intervention of a small Imperial fleet, led by the battleship Emperor's Wrath, provided the Deathwatch with a means to lead a boarding action against the hive ship. To the honor of the Primarchs and the God-Emperor, the Deathwatch carried the day and managed to destroy the vessel's synapse chamber. This act threw the Tyranid invasion into disarray.

While the invasion was halted, countless Xenos did make landfall and caused considerable damage to the planet's biosphere. The clean-up will take generations to complete, but if enough resources are dedicated to the task, Avalos can once more be made into a prosperous human planet.

Herisor (Death World)

Beauty of nature


Herisoris a Death World within the Achilus Crusade's Orpheus Salient. At first glance, Herisoris a Paradise World that appears lush and ripe for humanity's incursion. The planet has a broad temperate zone, with temperatures that are ideally suited to human life. The atmosphere is oxygen-rich, the gravity is close to that of Holy Terra, and the seas and lands have lush vegetation and abundant, herbivorous fauna. No predators or parasites that target humankind have been identified. Herisoris seemingly perfect for human habitation.

But appearances can be deceiving: something is terribly wrong on Herisor. Unprotected humans will become deathly ill within weeks or months of setting foot on the planet. The cell structure starts breaking down as if affected by an accelerated aging process. No explanation for the phenomenon has ever been found. Wear protective gear is only somewhat effective; sooner or later those who spend time on the surface will wither or die, protection or no. Not even Deathwatch Astartes in full armor are immune.

Herisor has shown great resilience against the Tyranids of Hive Fleet Dagon, whose forces grow sluggish within the planet's atmosphere, then lethargic, before finally succumbing to the same unseen force that kills humans.

Treyen (Feral World)

Warhammer 40,000: Gladius - Tyranids PC Review | GameWatcher


Treyen is an unremarkable feral world deep in the Orpheus salient. A largely temperate world, Treyen's scant population is centered primarily in the western hemisphere. The last Imperial census had the population at roughly 250,000 with an average technology level equivalent to that of the Bronze Age.

The system's primary star is entering into its last stages of life, and as such solar flares are beginning to spread a blanket of radiation around the planet. This stellar activity has a nasty habit of causing long-range vox transmissions to be unreliable and also causes void shield failures, but it also causes havoc for the Tyranids. For this reason Treyen was chosen to make a stand: this far, but no further.

The Battle of Treyen turned out to be both long and bloody but eventually ended in a resounding victory for the Imperium. It was the first major victory - and the last until Hethgard. What followed after Treyen was a period of silence, which the Crusade's leaders took for victory. It was not. Treyen had only been a single hive fleet. Many more came after.

Treyen is a pleasant enough place, with adequate resources. It could be colonized and civilized, and in a few decades provide the Sector with a steady stream of income.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

Research Options - Andronicus Observatory

The old observatory by Tryingtofly | Environnement concept art ...


Warp Observatory (Completed): The Andronicus Warp Observatory is a massive archeotech installation on the surface of the Dead World of the same name. It's not clear who built it or when or to what purpose. It was kept in working order by the Adeptus Mechanicus on behalf of the Inquisition. It was Andronicus that confirmed the approaching Hive Fleet Dagon by studying its Shadow in the Warp.

It's missing a piece, a device made of some sort of crystal that Inquisitor Colewjman destroyed and consumed rather than let you have it.

Enables: Research into the Channeling Crystal.

Channeling Crystal (Completed): Using a special crystal from Aurum, you've been able to replicate the missing keystone - the Channeling Crystal.

The Observatory can now be used once per year to observe local events happening in the present time.

Enables: Research into Observatory Attunement.

Observatory Attunement (Unlocked): It should be possible to adjust the Observatory to see events clear across the galaxy or stuff that took place far in the past - or could come to pass in the future.

More research possible.

Rymer (Mining World)

Top Five Deepest Mines In The World | Mining Industry | Fincham


Rymer is an abandoned mining world located on a minor warp route leading from Castobel. Deep pits have been cut into the planet's surface at places where old lava flows have brought diamonds and other rare minerals like Tantalum to the vicinity of the surface. In other places, the miners have burrowed deep and far, following veins of gold, germanium, and other precious metals.

When the Crusade arrived, they found the mines abandoned, with no sign of any miners or other humans. After a short while, several hundred thousand miners were moved here from Calixis, especially Sepheris Secundus, and for a time mineral wealth flowed up from the deep once more.

Shortly before the Battle of Hethgar frantic astropathic please reach Crusade Command: "Help us! They have awoken, the Dwellers in the Deep. Help us!" Then the planet fell silent.

Xyan (Penal World)

Sulfurous Fumes Coming Craters Volcano Sicily Italy — Stock Video ...


Xyan is a hostile world whose atmosphere is covered in sulfurous fumes from the bubbling hot springs scattered across its surface. There is frequent tectonic activity caused by the planet's hyper-active core. This world also contains large swamps full of animal life that has adapted to its intensely acidic environment. The air on this world is breathable, though it tastes foul. 

Non-native require filter mask or their lungs will be scarred, and cannot eat local produce or drink unfiltered water. The locals have adapted to the highly sulphuric atmosphere and have a high tolerance to acid and heavy metals. Their vision has also adapted to the haze of their environment somewhat. 

During the age of the Jericho Sector, this world became a penal planet. Millennia later, the planet's population were the descendants of these amoral humans that survived the brutal conditions of their world. When the Crusade arrived, they found a planet of recalcitrant people, who would have nothing to do with the Imperium. After several revolts and armed insurrections, the entire population was tried for treason  - and convicted. They are all to serve a life sentence on Xyan or five years in a Penal Legion. Thus far none have opted for the service.

Manuxet (Feral World)

Thousand Islands magic of Indonesia | The Travel Brief


This large planet is an ocean world with thousands of islands that spread out to make up an endless archipelago. The world's population is composed of technologically inferior nomads scattered amongst these numerous islands. The small amount of land combined with the gravitational effects of its three moons causes severe storms that often accompany severe and unpredictable tidal cycles. The trade-off is that this world is teeming with sea life which provided a reliable source of food for the settlers during the long millennia of isolation. Crusade Command contemplated turning Manuxet into an Agri World but had yet to figure out how to manage its massive tides and stormy weather.

Cocijo (Feral World)

A Dry Place | Desert pictures, Canyon, Red rock


Formerly identified as a verdant planet by ancient star charts, the world of Cocijo turned out to be an arid feral world, with only a sparse, primitive population. Branded as mutants by the Inquisition, the Crusade soon cleansed the planet of those few descendants of the ancient settlers. Those that survived the purge were used as slaves or assigned duties with the penal legions. The reasons for the once civilized planet's collapse cannot be readily explained.

Friday, April 24, 2020

Research Options - Crystals of Aurum

Note: Completed means that line of research is done, Initiated means it's started and has produced some results, Unlocked means a new line of research has opened.


Crystals (Completed): Deep underground on Aurum, crystals grow in the dark, almost like a living thing, somehow fed by the energies of the warp. These crystals potentially have many applications. It is possible they are artificial, created perhaps by the Eldar (unlikely, but not impossible) or the Slann (likely, but not guaranteed).

Enables: Research into Special Crystals.

Special Crystals (Completed): There are many types of crystals on Aurum. Some are good for nothing more than high-quality energy refraction, but some crystals are psy-active and warp-attuned in ways that defy conventional science. The special crystals seem to be "born" when crystalline formations naturally occurring on Aurum accumulate enough warp charge to become "activated".

Enables: Research into individual Crystal Applications.

Crystal Farming (Unlocked): It's possible that placing special crystals with rich crystal deposits and then "farming" them could produce faster "growth" bigger "harvests" of special crystals.

More research possible.


Genesis Seeds (Initiated): It seems possible that the crystals may have a use as a terraforming agent, and may well have been responsible for the creation of the Eldar "Maiden Worlds" back in hallowed antiquity.

By taking crystals from Aurum and "seeding" either worlds, these worlds should begin to evolve into something more pleasant for humans (assuming whoever made the crystals are similar to humans). 

In a few thousand years, there should be some results... it will never be a very quick process, but surely it can be made a bit faster.

More research possible.

Entropic Dampening (Initiated): Since the crystals feed of warp energy, they have the secondary effect of protecting everything in close proximity from the worst ravages of Chaos. It's hardly fully immunity, but it's still important - very few things can slow pure entropy.

More research possible.

Enables: Research into Reversing Mutation and Wide-area Dampening Matrixes

Anti-mutagens (Initiated): It's possible the crystals could draw out enough warp taint to halt, or possibly reverse mutation. Thus far it seems mutation is slowed down, but not halted. Reversing mutation seems impossible at this stage.

More research possible.

Psy-foci crafting (Unlocked): It should be possible for a trained, psy-active character to use the crystals as the basis of crafting psy-foci.

More research possible.

Spirit Stones (Initiated): It's possible that the crystals are similar to the spirit stones the Eldar wear, and could potentially hold the soul of a deceased warrior. 

The Spirit Stones will also provide a slight warp-dampening effect for the wearer (implemented for all SoX), as described below.

More research possible.

Crystal Arrays (Completed): Crystals can be crafted into crystal arrays that cause a strong resonance that amplified the effects of a single crystal.

Wide-area Dampening Matrixes (Unlocked): By creating at least eight massive crystal matrixes around the anomaly, it should, in theory, be possible to prevent it from expanding and ending its influence over the Charon Stars. With proper handling, the Anomaly could be shrunk, even collapsed.

More research required and possible.

Temporal Manipulation (Unlocked): It's possible, however unlikely, the crystals are linked to the time-warping effects of the Anomaly.

More research possible.

Cressid (Dead/Mining World)

Maxime Duprez på Twitter: "#Space #Art: from the frozen plains of ...


Cressid is a Dead World found within the Outer Reach region of the Jericho Reach. Were it closer to the salients of the Achilus Crusade, dramatic action might be taken. As it stands, the resources necessary to conquer such an inhospitable planet are better spent in other environs for the time being.

The thin atmosphere on Cressid does little to insulate the world from the chill of the void. Before the onset of the ancient Jericho Sector's Age of Shadow, records suggest that the great refineries may have warmed the world so that it could be safely inhabited. In the millennia since those shut down, the world has once more become a cold and barren wasteland.

Those who choose to live upon its surface must endure miserable conditions as they attempt to eke out an existence. Such a fate is far too kind for those who have chosen to abandon their sacred responsibilities to the God-Emperor.

The Deathwatch maintains a small Watch-station here, keeping an eye on the local Cold Trade, Xenos trafficking, and watching for dangers from the Outer Dark.

Sedu (Frontier World)


Sedu is a barren Frontier World within the Jericho Reach's Slinnar Drift. It is the only world in the Slinnar Drift known to be inhabited. According to old records, it was a fertile, pleasant place, but the Crusade's scouts reported it was a dry husk, barely capable of sustaining human life. After bombarding the main settlement, assumed to be in league with the reasons Kingdom of Vanir, the scouts withdrew.

According to Deathwatch records, Sedu is not aligned, and never was, with Vanir. Instead, it served as an independent waystation for underworld and criminal activities among humans and many other intelligent species active in the Reach. The bombardment was done for all the wrong reasons, but it was not undeserved the Watch-master noted in his journal.

Belissar (Dead/Forbidden World)

Elemental Plane of Fire | Renderrs' DnD Resource | Fandom


Belissar is a Dead World of the Jericho Reach, found far from the salients of the Achilus Crusade, yet considered enough of a threat to warrant quarantine by the Imperium of Man. The planet was badly contaminated by the forces of Chaos even before the Horus Heresy. 

Numerous attempts were made to destroy the planet: virus bombs scoured it's surface clean of life, and cyclonic torpedoes broke apart the planet's crust. Yet despite the efforts of the Imperium, mutants continue to thrive on the surface, and daemons freely walked the broken, molten surface of Belissar.

Belissar was eventually declared Forbidden, and given over to the care of the Deathwatch. There seems to be no link between the Anomaly and Belissar - their original are not the same, and their fates not interwoven.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

The Charon Stars

Red Nebula [4K] : wallpapers

The Charon Stars, a name used to refer to stars located near the Hadex Anomaly, are touched by the taint of the Warp to various degrees. Because of the Warp-breach's unpredictable motion, agents of the Ordo Malleus have been unable to determine just how far these contaminants may extend.

The Anomaly isn't static, but pulses, expands and contracts according to an unfathomable rhythm,  so that new systems can be swallowed up - or spat out. While stars that have left the Hadex effect no longer glow with sickly red light, their worlds are hardly cleansed of its influence. Rather, these systems may bear the subtle markings of Chaos taint for millennia to come.

Some notable Charon Stars (the list isn't exhaustive - more will be added):


Bolgra (Fortress World): More of a legend than anything else, Mighty Bolgra was one of the great fortresses guarding Verronus. Ever competing with other, lesser fortresses, Bolgra built it's buttresses higher than anyone and sunk its bunkers deeper into the planet's crust than had ever been done before.

According to some legends Bolgra still endures, waiting for the return of the God-Emperor. Then will be revealed the Heir to the Throne of Verronus, the fair Princess-Governor Alienne, last scion of the line of sector overlords, who has slept for all these years in Bolgra's deepest stasis chamber.

Hlesan Secundus (Fortress World): This world marks the highwater mark of the Acheros Salient's advance towards the Anomaly. Blessedly free of the taint of most systems so close to the Anomaly, it seemed a perfect place for a forward base. Before the world could be fully fortified and garrisoned, however, resources were siphoned off to Hethgard to prepare for the Tyranid onslaught. What became of the vanguard forces and constructor regiments left on Hlesan Secundus no one knows.

Iobel (Dead World): Another Watch-station is located here, submerged under the kilometers-thick ice sheets of the 2nd moon of Iobel's only planet. After the loss of Midael, Iobel is the best location for observing the comings and goings into the Spinward section of the Anomaly.

Khazant (War World): The Corsairs of Kahazant were defeated by the Achilus Crusades after years of bitter fighting. Now they are back, stronger than ever. Since the Imperial forces here are no more, the War World classification probably isn't accurate.

Magog (Forbidden/Fortress World): The Magog System has been drawn into and exited from the Hadex Anomaly countless times in the millennia since the disturbance first appeared. Formerly a Fortress World guarding the heart of the Jericho Sector, Magog is now horribly mutated by continuous contact with the Warp energies emanating from the Hadex Anomaly, making it a prime recruiting ground for the Stigmartus Chaos Cult.

When the Anomaly swells, the entire planet pulses, as if it was a living thing, and Daemons stalk the land. This is an important time for the Stigmartus, a time of worship and celebration, and other, darker things.

Malehi (Fortress World): When Crusade scouts penetrated the outer circumference of the Anomaly, they found the fortress world of Malehi waiting for them, perfectly preserved against the ravages of time and the warp. There was only one catch: Malehi is completely frozen in time, as if encased in a stasis field greater than anything ever reported before. Imperial diviners and analysts were perplexed: how could the ever-changing forces of Chaos turn into stasis? How could entropy become the exact opposite?

Midael (Dead World): The Deathwatch maintained a Watch-station here, tasked with monitoring the Spinward routes leading into the Anomaly. Less than half a century ago Midael was swallowed by a sudden surge in the Anomaly and has not been released since.

Ravacene (Unclassified): Ravacene is a Death World located in the Greyhell Front. But sometimes it appears to be close to the Anomaly, not many light-years from Erioch. Closer examination reveals it to be a mirage of sorts, like an oasis seen in the dead desert. It is, however, possible to reach the world itself without resorting to Warp drives. It's almost like traveling through a warp gate, only it's not.

Resgulus (Dead World): The Deathwatch maintained a Watch-station here for several centuries, but it was abandoned for unknown reasons, despite being an excellent position for observing the Trailing approaches to the Anomaly. The system itself is relatively unremarkable, save the ruins of a forgotten human colony, predating the Imperium by many millennia.

Tabius Rasa (Feudal World): Harsh and windswept world where feudal humans live in unholy congregation with foul Xenos.

The Blood Trinity (Unclassified Worlds): Like the rest of the Cellebos Warzone, the three planets of the Blood Trinity is part of the Charon Stars.

The Wicked Sisters (Forbidden/PleasureWorlds): The Wicked Sisters, as they are now called, are markedly bizarre. Located dangerously close to the heavily contested Cellebos Warzone, the two systems, Delphos and Iatos, are completely identical, and the planets themselves are indistinguishable from each other.

After the conquest of these two systems by Lord General Ovidius, there were many members of the Adeptus Administratum who opposed establishing an Imperial presence on the worlds due to their bizarre nature. However, after seeing the verdant and beautiful terrain for themselves, they could not let such worlds go unused.

Sometime later the systems were both declared Forbidden by the Holy Ordos. What became of the Imperial colonists no one but the Inquisition knows.

Vanity (Forbidden World): The devastated surface of Vanity has little to offer a visitor, but the temporal flux associated with the Anomaly is at its strongest here. Grand Master Krawl of the Ordo Malleus has declared the world Forbidden.

Vespasia (Agri/War World): This green and verdant world, rich in life, is a prime supplier of agri-goods to the warriors of the Stigmartus. Unlike Magog, which is deeply affected by Chaos, Vespasia seems relatively benign and untainted.

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Equites Sanginue/Templars of Blood (Astartes Chapter)


The Templars of Blood is a Chapter of Loyalist Space Marines and Successor to the Blood Angels (perhaps not truly the case, hard to tell, but true sons nonetheless) of an unknown Founding.

Like their progenitor Chapter, these sons of the Primarch Sanguinius take pride in their ability to meet the foe head-on, although this is where the similarities between the Chapters end. The Templars are more of a bolter-drill Chapter than melee-focused assault specialist.

The Astartes of the Templars of Blood are known to suffer from the genetic flaw of Sanguinius known as the Black Rage at a much-reduced rate compared to the Blood Angels or their other Successor Chapters. The reason for this is unknown, though some suspect the Chapter has bought this boon through dark and secretive means (or it could be they are not really Blood Angels, but descended from the Sons).

If, however, a Templar succumbs to the Black Rage, he will be given a final chance to die in glorious battle. If unable to die with honor, he will be executed by his company commander after what should have been his swan-song.

Epistolary Barabas, so named for his mighty beard, the only Templar not to shave, sought to join the Achilus Crusade, but instead managed to become trapped on the surface of Zanatov's Harbour when they were seconded to Inquisitor Adrielle Quivst, Ordo Xenos.

Daemon Worlds of the Hadex Anomaly

Warp Storm image - Warhammer 40K Fan Group - Mod DB

A number of worlds are known to exist wholly with the Anomaly, fully consumed by the warp. The Ever-changing Library has a special section on such things, and Erioch has several info-crypts and data-vaults and physical archives off-limits even to the Watch-Master (fortunately Barotta has a genuine Malleus Inquisitor with him). This information must be taken with large pinches of salt - it's information dealing with the unexplainable and the insane.


Bulwark (Daemon World): Bulwark was once a proud Fortress World which guarded the original sector capital world of Verronus, but was later claimed by the worshippers of the Blood God Khorne. Following the appearance of the Anomaly, the citizens of Bulwark perpetrated all of the atrocities that soon followed. The forsaken world soon became a massive charnel house of death and blood, lorded over by a powerful Daemon Prince of Khorne, named Krakiota.

Coranin (Daemon World): When the Anomaly first appeared, this former Feral World was claimed by the Lord of Change, Tzeentch as his own. Soon the planet was transformed into a Daemon World, altered by the malign touch of the Changer of Ways, as he utterly corrupted the planet and its inhabitants.

Durell (Daemon World): Durrel was a former Hive World that fell to the sensuous temptations of pleasure and hedonistic desires of the Lord of Pleasure, Slaanesh. The world became one Grand Temple of Slaanesh.

Samech (Hell-Forge): A former loyal Forge World of the Adeptus Mechanicus the sad truth was that the faith in the Omnissiah had been slowly dimming some millennia before the infamous event of the emergence of the Anomaly. When this stellar phenomenon consumed the world, the forges readily embraced their damnation, seeking out the Ruinous Powers to further their own aims. Samech is the main supplier of weapons and ships for the Stigmartus and other factions resisting the Achilus Crusade. The world is know also as 'The Iron Pit', a haven for debased human renegades that traveled there to trade and barter.

Venkrous (Daemon World): Venkrous was a formally lush and beautiful Agri-world before the Anomaly appeared. It soon became twisted and warped by the rotting touch of the Plague Lord Nurgle.

Verronus/Varrus (Unclassified World): The glittering capital of the Jericho Sector sits at the heart of the Anomaly. It is impossible to classify it, or even confirm it's confirmed existence.

Characters of the Jericho Deathwatch

Warhammer 40,000: Deathwatch PS4 - OFFICIAL TRAILER - YouTube


Vandar Ilych: Old Imperial Fist Techmarine. Recovered from the Andronicus Watch-Station. Now resides at Erioch, overseeing the fortifications, armories, and forges there.

Taurus 'Beastmaster': Black Ravens (possible, but not confirmed, Raven Guard successor) Codicier, the last Astartes of his Chapter, his brothers having been wiped out by the Chaos Warband known as 'the Harvest'. Recovered from Hethgard. Master of Tyranids by his own indomitable will (though he is perhaps not entirely sane nor pure anymore).

Steingrim 'Bloodhaze': Space Wolf Veteran and ex-Wolf Priest. Exiled from the Fang (before its destruction) for killing another Wolf. Recovered from Hethgard. His senses - and ability to interpret what he senses - are nothing short of extraordinary. For example, he seems to be able to smell mutation. In a strange twist of fate, this is the man who is primarily responsible for training new Sons...

Echilus: Novamarine (UM successor Chapter), hates Xenos with a passion (especially Tau, but any Xeno will do) greater than most Astartes. Recovered from Hethgard. Kept busy roaming the sector aboard the Phaedas, looking for more Deathwatch survivors and doing scouting work. Could become a problem later.

Watch-Sergeant Garrus: White Consuls. Recovered from Watch-station Arkhas, deep in the Orpheus Salient.

3x Storm Wardens: Survivors of the Fall of Calixis. Recovered alongside Garrus.

Codicier Jon Castus: Fire Angel Librarian, recovered from Iobel, having fled there from Midael.

4x Various Chapters: Survivors of Midael.

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Zanatov's Harbour (Devoured World)

Colors of the Dead World of Karabash · Russia Travel Blog


Zanatov's Harbour is a former Frontier World that is now a Devoured World following its consumption by a Tyranid assault. It is found at the farthest tip of the Orpheus Salient in the Jericho Reach, being, after Herisor, the second Imperial world on record attacked by Hive Fleet Dagon.

Zanatov's Harbour was named for the legendary Rogue Trader Corsair-Captain Zanatov. This planet was one he frequented on his trade runs coming in from the Eastern Fringe of the galaxy. At one point, the world boasted excellent voidship repair facilities, and the lack of contact with the Imperium made an excellent place for smugglers and other members of the so-called "Cold Trade."

Early reports recovered after the Tyranid invasion state that many people saw what they believed to be a meteor shower in the night sky. No one thought much of it, as a meteor shower is often a good omen for ship's captains. Slowly the reports began to filter in that the object had been something very different.

These were no mere meteorites that had hit the ground, but instead housed a more sinister cargo of Tyranid bioforms. The merchants and crew on the surface put up a decent fight, but were utterly outmatched by the lethal killing machines.

Decades later Zanatov's Harbour was restored to working order by the Kingdom of Vanir-in-Exile and used as a voidship repair facility by Admiral Manteuffel. 

Unknown to the Admirals and the Kings of Vanir, Zanatov's Harbour held another secret: a company of Astartes from the Templars of Blood and their accompanying Inquisitor Adrielle Quist, Ordo Xenos. This warband had been trapped on the surface of Zanatov's Harbour for quite some time, without the means of getting off the dead planet or contacting help.

Tenebris Prognati/Dark Sons (Astartes Chapter)

Dark Sons | Warhammer 40k | Fandom


The Dark Sons is a Loyalist Space Marine Chapter of unknown Founding that claims descent from the lineage of the vaunted Ultramarines Chapter (though it seems they may be of different stock). 

Along with the Angels of Fury, the Dark Sons had the honor of being under the tutelage of the venerable Novamarines Chapter following their inception. 

The Dark Sons' homeworld was the planet Darkhold in the Segmentum Obscurus. Overrun by Chaos forces early M42, the Sons have lived aboard their dwindling fleet of ships ever since.

A certain specter of pridefulness and egotism clings to these warriors and has soured their dealings with other Imperial organizations in the past, but their arrogance is not undeserved. The Dark Sons fight with remarkable efficiency and skill, and have won countless battles against remarkable odds.

Captain Karlson has led the battered strike cruiser Wrath of the Father and his equally battered of the 9th Company of loyal Sons to Jericho in search of a prophecy and a new beginning. 

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Worlds of the Greyhell Front (Canis Salient)

Ash-choked Ravacene

The Greyhell Front was a belt of worlds where the Astra Militarum and Imperial Navy were struggling to establish footholds closer to T'au space. Unlike earlier encounters with the Tau along the Canis Salient, the Greyhell front became a major warzone.

The Imperium's armies were opposed in this by many auxiliaries, but most of all by Fire Warrior cadres. Chief among the auxiliaries were legions of Kroot. The Kroot's capacity to rapidly evolve according to the genetic material they absorb has led to the development of many new strains of Kroot along the Greyhell Front. 

Human collaborators also appeared in some numbers, leading to a paranoid atmosphere where any squadmate could potentially be an infiltrator sent by the other side. Lord Commander Ebongrave's purges on the Greyhell Front became the stuff of dark legend, and some joked that an Imperial Guardsman was almost as likely to be executed by their own side as to be killed by the xenos.

The Greyhell Front was regarded as a meat grinder by the troops serving there, but Lord Commander Ebongrave was adamant that only by forcing through the front and reaching Tau space could the crusade push on into a direct assault on the Velk'Han Sept. In spite of the thinly stretched nature of Imperial forces in the Canis Salient, Ebongrave refused any suggestion that Imperial forces should withdraw from the Greyhell Front. The Lord Commander was last seen boarding his Battleship, the Murder of Innocents, course set for the Greyhell front for "the final push."

The current status of the Greyhell isn't fully known. No Imperial ships have visited for decades, and the Tau are said to have pulled out of the area.

Notable worlds of the Greyhell Front:


Baraban (Feral/Xenos World): Barabanis a is huge, verdant world under the control of the T'au Empire's Velk'Han Sept. Its ownership was contested by the Astra Militarum forces of the Achilus Crusade. The pretext for the invasion was "liberation of Baraban's native human population." It is not known if Baraban actually has any human native population, of it Ebongrave's staff made that up to "galvanize the hearts and minds of our noble warriors."

The war on Baraban was a conventional one, with battle lines of trenches and fortifications, attacks and counterattacks, as each side tried to push the other back. The planet's endless temperate forests were home not only to huge Vespid and Kroot armies, but to spectral presences that prey on the sanity of the Imperial Guardsmen fighting there. Apparently the "Ghosts of Baraban" caused similar problems for the Tau, with Vespids becoming homicidal and Kroots devolving into strains useless for battle.

Bekrin (Shrine/Quarnatined World): Bekrin was a Shrine World, the capital planet of the ancient Ecclesiarchy diocese covering much of what is now the Achilus Crusade's Canis Salient in the Jericho Reach. The Tau had little influence on Bekrin, and not for lack of trying. With the coming of the Crusade, Bekrin was incorporated into the Imperium once again, offering a forward base of operations for Ebongrave's warriors.

Unfortunately, a tendril of Hive Fleet Dagon, approached Bekrin. The planet's million-strong clergy evacuated the world to escape the approaching Tyranids, and though the Tyranids were deflected at Oertha, and never reached Bekrin, the planet's shrines and temples remained empty.

The Adeptus Ministorum petitioned Lord Commander Sebiascor Ebongrave to reclaim Bekrin many times. Ebongrave, for reasons unknown, has bluntly refused at every turn, and even proclaimed Bekrin a Quarantined World. No one knows why, though there is no shortage of speculation about what horrible sights might be found among Bekrin's fabled natural beauty and gilded temple-cities.

To some, Bekrin is an example of Ebongrave's paranoia, but others insist that there must be something terribly wrong with the planet. In any case, no official word on Bekrin has been forthcoming in more than forty standard years.

Dakinor (Dead World): Dakinor is a gas giant within tin the Canis Salient. It is surrounded by an orbiting shell of mineral-rich planetoids caught in its vast gravity. Classified as a Dead World by the Imperium, the planet itself is uninhabitable like all gas giants, but its asteroids are being fought over by the Astra Militarum and a host of fanatics following a death cult of the Imperial Creed calling itself the "Gilded Torment."

The Torment has absorbed almost the whole population, and has daughter cults on many worlds of the Greyhell Front's warzone, which task their followers with joining the struggle on Dakinor. The Gilded Torment's goal appears to be to cause and suffer violent death in the name of the God-Emperor, who is worshipped in such a debased and vile form that all followers of the Torment have been declared Excommunicate.

Astra Militarum analysts suspect that the T'au have somehow created the Torment, an impression hardly reduced by the Kroot mercenaries appearing in the employ of the death cult. Whatever the Gilded Torment really wants, the fight against the cult is a bitter and hateful one. The Astra Militarum mounts asteroid-hopping operations where each new planetoid is assaulted in lethal thin-atmosphere, low-gravity conditions.

Ravacene (Death World): Ravacene is a volcanic jungle-covered world within the Canis Salient. Ravacene's ecology is based on the volcanoes covering its single, planet-wide continent. The toxic ash spewed by these volcanoes feeds the dense, black-grey jungles covering its plains and valleys. The jungles proved resistant to the most enthusiastic attempts to burn or defoliate them.

The world was heavily contested by the Imperium and the T'au Empire's Kroot forces. For the troops of the Astra Militarum, few assignments were less welcomed than a posting to Ravacene. The ash-choked forests of this world are said to have given the Greyhell Front its name, and the Imperial Guard battling to wipe out the Kroot on this world fight a bleak, horrific battle against the planet and their alien foes alike. Ravacene chewed through Astra Militarum regiments at an appalling rate. Only Death World veteran regiments could expect to last more than a few solar weeks before being withdrawn. It is highly unlikely than any humans are still alive on the surface of Ravacene.

The Astra Militarum's objectives on Ravacene were simple. Ravacene was ideally placed to act as a staging post for a push into T'au space in the Reach, and its several moonlets would make ideal orbital dockyards for the voidships of the Imperial Navy. Before the planet could be used in this way, the Kroot presence on its surface had to be exterminated. The nature of the terrain means that this had to be carried out on the ground by, one Kroot at a time, no matter how many Guardsmen it takes. 

For their part, the Tau simply wished to deny the Imperium use of Ravacene, so they deployed vast numbers of Kroot. These foul Xenos mercenaries evolved during their time on the world to match the ash jungles of Ravacene through the use of their ability to alter their genomes by ingesting other species' DNA. There could still be a considerable number of Kroot on the surface.

Veren (Feral/Xenos World): Veren was a human-inhabited Feral World under the "protection" of the T'au Empire's Velk'Han Sept. For reasons that Imperial forces could never ascertain, the Tau were very interested in keeping the Imperium from conquering Veren. The planet, a world of glassy black mountains and shallow oceans teeming with corals and algal blooms, is of little obvious strategic value.

Stable Warp-routes from the vicinity of Veren end at the Black Reef, so the planet would be of no use for staging an attack on Tsua'Malor. Nevertheless, the expeditionary force sent to scout the world was immediately opposed by Tau Hunter Cadres attacking in force.

Lord Commander Sebiascor Ebongrave was convinced that something important was hidden on Veren. Sending so many Tau to defend it proved its importance in his eyes. His analysts tried persuading him otherwise, that it was a trick of the Tau to draw attention away from other, more important battles. But the Lord Commander would have none of their cowardice. Ebongrave ordered Veren to be captured and held, but the T'au knew the planet very well, and defended it with great skill and determination. Although the Imperum's forces eventually gained the upper hand, the world was never truly conquered.

The Hadex Anomaly

Red Nebula [4K] : wallpapers

The Hadex Anomaly is a raging temporal Warp rift that lies at the core of the Jericho Reach in the Eastern Fringe of the galaxy. Bathing countless worlds in a sickly red glow, this nebulous tear in space-time represents far more than a navigational hazard or obstruction to astropathic communication. It is a cancer upon the fabric of time and space, and entire star systems have been lost to its baleful influence. 

Since the time of its formation, the Hadex Anomaly has haunted the Jericho Reach, casting out its malign Warp radiation and corrupting many worlds. Measurements performed by the Deathwatch over the centuries indicate that, since its creation, the Anomaly has continued to grow fractionally every year, slowly pulling the worlds of the Reach into its dark grasp. This growth is not steady, however. Like a monstrous heart palpitating in the void, the influence of the Hadex Anomaly expands and recedes rhythmically, absorbing and disgorging entire solar systems over the course of decades. 

Worlds bathed in the crimson glow of the Anomaly become saturated with its corrupting essence, while stars languish under its stygian radiance. Such stars become clotted red orbs, shedding a carmine luminescence mimicking that of the Anomaly itself. The worlds touched by the red glare become... changed. Infused with protean energies they grow both more verdant, and more deadly.

Scholars, savants, and madmen have striven to classify the anomaly in line with others of its type, such as the Eye of Terror, the Maelstrom, and the Gates of Fire, yet it continues to defy all classification. Though clearly a Warp/realspace interface or Warp rift like most other similar events, the Hadex Anomaly exerts an exotic effect not just upon the physical realm but on the temporal as well.

In their vain efforts to understand the Anomaly, Imperial savants have claimed it seems to "spew time" into the surrounding region, disrupting the flow of events and occasionally reordering them entirely. It is conjectured that the Hadex Anomaly is the source of a flow of time spewing forth into the galaxy from another dimension, although any efforts to fully catalog or study the effects of the Anomaly have ended in utter disaster.

More than the forces of the Stigmartus, the xenos fleets, or the warbands of the Traitor Legions, the Hadex Anomaly represents a seemingly insurmountable obstacle standing in the way of the Achilus Crusade's Acheros Salient. How can the forces of Mankind know victory when their enemy is space itself?

Saturday, April 18, 2020

Sons of Xandor: The true story

Sons of Antaeus Armor.png

From the Ever-changing Library and the Watch-master's archives on Erioch:

The 11th Legion of Astartes, originally named the Granite Guard, was briefly known as the Sons of Xandor, after their Primarch, who was known as "the Xandor". Few records exist of the Legion before (or after) the discovery of the Xandor, but some facts can be gleaned: they fought loyally and well, always disciplined and rational, excelling at speartip strikes with minimal collateral.

According to one report, a detachment that may have been SoX marines, arrived in the Jericho Reach shortly after the Ultramarines and Night Lords had claimed the first Imperial footholds there during the Great Crusade.

When the Primarch was discovered, however, the Legion was disbanded and the name stricken from the rolls, as if it had never existed at all. The reason is not fully understood, but there is reason to believe that the Xandor had either taken to the worship of dark gods - or in another version of the story, declared himself divine. Whatever the reason, the Imperium no longer trusted the Sons, through no fault of their own.

During the Great Scouring, it's possible, likely even, that a full Chapter of Sox aided elements of the Novamarines (successors to the Ultramarines), Raven Guard and White Scars in reclaiming rebellious worlds that remained loyal to the traitorous Night Lords. It is thought that this Sons of Xandor incarnation was a 2nd Founding Chapter, perhaps raised from original Legion gene-seed. Or, according to two separate sources, made up of actual Astartes from the original SoX Legion.

The truth of the matter will likely never be known, lost to the long eons. The name of the Chapter Master, is known, however. Moebius, the man who slew 1st Captain Erioch and claimed the star fortress for the Imperium. Moebius, originally of the 1st Legion, the Dark Angels. Moebius was one of the old guard, assigned to watch over and teach the first Astartes emerging for another Legion - the 11th, the Sons of Xandor. Moebius, who was later named Fallen by his old legion, for reasons also lost to time.

Moebius became the 1st Watch-Master of Jericho, creating a multi-Chapter composite force to guard the region, so that it might remain forever safe, even after he and his Chapter moved on to other assignments. In time, all the original Chapters involved in the liberation of Jericho moved on, but they remembered their pledge to Moebius, and kept sending loyal Astartes to guard Jericho. Thus was born the Jericho Watch.

Information about the SoX after this is sketchy at best. Some scholars believe they ventured into the Utter East, beyond the reach of the Astronomican, to search of the Night Lords. Other stories have as little - or as much - hold to them. Placing them in the Ghoul Stars. Venturing into the Eye of Terror. Leaving the Galaxy altogether. Sleeping beneath the Imperial Palace.

Most likely the Chapter was destroyed at some point because a new SoX chapter was created sometime in the 36th Millennium. Either during the 13th "Dark Founding" (early M36) or the 21st "Cursed Founding" (late M36). Were they created from existing SoX seed, preserved in sacred AdMech vaults? If so, seed from the 11th Legion, or the lost Chapter?

No one knows, except the Sons themselves of course. Reports are few and far between. A scrap here, a hint there. Tales of a chapter that could be the Sons - or someone else. They may have operated briefly in the Jericho Sector around the time of its fall, but after that, nothing. Not until they appeared in the Calixis Sector around 190.M42 - and promptly vanished on a Crusade into the Screaming Vortex. 

Madness, surely. Another noble chapter, gone.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Pelegius (Unclassified World, Canis Salient)

Planet (The Caretaker) | Tardis | Fandom


Pelegius is an officially unclassified planet located in the Jericho Reach. Located only a short distance behind the Greyhell Front of the Achilus Crusade, Pelegius has been contested by T'au expeditions and Imperial crusaders alike for solar decades. The planet's wealth of natural resources means that both sides regard it as extremely valuable, yet that same worth has resulted in a world which is inimical to Human or T'au life. 

If rumors are to be believed, however, it is not merely mineral resources that has drawn the gaze of Human and T'au alike to Pelegius, and it is not merely the toxin-saturated, irradiated environment that poses a threat to those who seek to claim this bounteous world. Who knows what treasures - and horrors - await beneath the sands of this hellish death world?

Wrath (Fortress World, Canis Salient)

Damaris - Sci-fi, SpaceCoolvibe – Digital Art


Wrath is an Imperial Fortress World (yes, there are that many) within the Achilus Crusade's Canis Salient in the Jericho Reach. It acted as both the Achilus Crusade's secondary command center for the salient, as well as the salient's primary source of internal security. While the Fortress World of Spite drives the Canis Salient's forces onwards, Wrath guards the worlds already claimed and watches for treachery, sedition and the scourge of xenophilia.

No word has been received from Wrath in more than two decades, but data still keeps being streamed there by the handful of slaved astropath transmitters. Only specially sanctioned Imperial vessels were allowed to access Wrath; no civilian vessels were allowed in-system upon pain of Excommunication.

Watch-Stations of the Jericho Deathwatch

Erioch is a vast fortress, hidden and centrally located, but it cannot cover the entire Jericho Reach effectively. A number of smaller forts are scattered across the Reach, especially in the area around the Hadex Anomaly, but also elsewhere. These so-called Watch Stations were hidden fortress-monasteries, used for rest and resupply, and acting as forward bases.

It should be possible to Research the locations of 1 or more Watch Stations. The stations might provide additional Astartes equipment or other benefits for the Master of the Deathwatch.

Discovered Watch-stations:

Watch Station ANDRONICUS: Distant and dead Andronicus is the site of both a mighty fortress of the Deathwatch, and the Inquisition's Warp Observatory. Pimerial First Techmarine VANDAR ILYCH was recovered from here.

Now the fortress sits empty, protected only by automated defenses, and only a skeleton crew maintains the recently repaired observatory. Only the machine God knows for how long they will manage to keep it running, but the best bet is not very long.

Watch Station Arkhas: Watch Station Arkhas is a void station that sits hidden within the gas clouds that wreathe Arkhas VII, the system's outermost planet.

The Arkhas system contains two inhabitable, but unsettled worlds, frigid Arkhas IV, and steaming Arkhas III. The system is also an important Warp juncture, and could become a major transshipment point.

Watch Station IOBEL: Station is submerged under the kilometers-thick ice sheets of the 2nd moon of Iobel's only planet, the majestic ochre gas giant called ACHYLUS' LAMENT (no records exist of why the planet is so named).

Some of the Midael staff under the leadership of Fire Angel Librarian JON CASTUS escaped here aboard the Claymore-class Corvette Witch-slayer. Novamarine Watch-Sergeant Echilus investigated the site, taking WS Phaedas after the Iron Collar had been pacified.

WM Barotta was forced to assist when Phaedas was unable to leave due to the currents of the swelling Anomaly. It's likely that the system will be consumed, like Midael was, the next time the Anomaly expands. The station should be well protected, however, and could be used as a secret base inside the Anomaly itself.

Watch Station MIDAEL: Located within the deep stone catacombs beneath HIVE CRASSUS, the Jewel of Midael the Fallen. One of the largest of the Jericho Watch-stations, Midael guarded one of the most heavily trafficked routes in and out of the Hadex Anomaly. Such was the scale of the caverns that the station had room enough for an escort-class vessel, hidden from prying eyes by the earth's embrace.

Watch Station Midael was swallowed by a sudden expansion of the Hadex Anomaly. It subsequently came under attack by Chaos forces and it's staff and Astartes slaughtered, including Watch-Captain AMANEDIEL of the DARK ANGELS.

Watch Station OERTHA: Located on a non-descript rocky body in the Oertha system, close to the Greyhell Front, WS Oertah was a recently established outpost, tasked with keeping an eye on the Tau.

When a Tyranid fleet arrived, the Watch-Sergeant of Oertha was forced to make common cause with the Tau. The Tyranids were driven off, but in the process, the Tau discovered the presence of the station. Oertha was obliterated by heavy railgun strikes. At least that's what Barotta believes may have happened.

Watch Station PHAEDAS: The Watch-Station is essentially a Warp-capable void station, its structures constructed into a small asteroid. Phaedas is a relic of ages past, largely automated, its myriad machine spirits (artificial intelligences) demonstrating sophistication that rivals those of the most ancient and revered of Titans. The vessel seems to operate based on incredibly complex logic paths, turning augur data into plotted courses, even able to travel short distances through the Warp without a Navigator.

Phaedas obeys only the commands of the Watch-Master. It's with great reluctance it allows humans to board it, and it will not suffer the ministrations of any Magos.

Unexplored Watch-stations:

Watch Station Bellom - A watch station in the Canis Salient of the Achilus Crusade.
Watch Station Hestus - A watch station in the Canis Salient of the Achilus Crusade.

Watch Station Ormasim


Watch Station Castiel - A watch station in the Orpheus Salient of the Achilus Crusade.

Watch Station Credence - A watch station in the Canis Salient of the Achilus Crusade.

Watch Station Hlesan Secundus - A watch station in the Acheros Salient of the Achilus Crusade.
Watch Station Cosel
Watch Station Cressid

Watch Station Skapula

Watch Station Resgulus - A watch station in the Acheros Salient of the Achilus Crusade.
Watch Station Skapula - A watch station in the Canis Salient of the Achilus Crusade.
Watch Station Tryphon - A watch station in the Orpheus Salient of the Achilus Crusade.